This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

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A Christmas Story, a Craft Fair and a New Poetic Voice

Church Street, November 2024

Kerry in 1901

I found this picture of a market day in Killarney in 1901 on the internet. Houses are thatched. Horses and carts are where tractors would be nowadays.

Meanwhile in Tralee

The local painting and decorating firm of John J. Foley painted this magnificent ceiling in the convent chapel at Balloonagh.

The market place is constantly changing. Art is forever.

A Christmas Story

By Maura Laverty

Charity shops are full of treasures. This is the marvellous Christmas book I found in St. Vincent de Paul charity shop in Listowel. It dates back 50 or 60 years and is an insight into a world that is fading into memory.

The following story from Maura Laverty is a gem.

Turron is very like nougat. It is thought to originally be a kind of halva brought to Spain by the Moors. It was a confection of honey, egg whites and nuts.

Now read on.

Listowel Food Fair 2024 Craft Fair

On the Sunday of the Food Fair there is always an exceptional craft fair held in The Listowel Arms. Here are just a few of the highlights.

The lovely entrance bower set the scene for the picturesque displays within.

Mom’s Porter Cake business is about so much more than just porter cake. The mom here, Sherley, is not the mom who gave her name to the business. Sherley’s mom inspired her and now she is passing on the skills and the recipes to the next generation. She sells every kind of confection from Christmas cakes the size of cupcakes to huge celebration cakes. I bought a little porter cake and it was delicious.

Josie is always a pleasure to meet at a craft fair. I raised a false rumour here that she was retiring from knitting. She told me she was. But thanks to the miracle of cataract surgery she is back in business and knitting more than ever. Her babies’ cardigans and toys are heirlooms to be treasured by generations. Lovely lady and lovely craftwork! If you want a unique handmade baby present, Josie is the woman to meet.

I love this man’s honey. He is Jean louis Valentin and his honey is called Trieneragh Honey, after the home address of his bees. He is also a skilled craftsman in wood, producing beautiful wooden products. He is a previous winner at Listowel Food Fair. Jean Louis is always up for a chat. He is a great people person and his stall is always a treat for the eyes as well as the taste buds.

The hard working Sarah Fitzgerald took a minute off from organising Food Fair 2024 and selling her Green Green Gate Kombucha. Sarah posed for me with mom, Peggy, and aunt, Carmel, three lovely ladies, always a pleasure to meet.

A Poem

Today’s poem comes from a lovely new anthology by a new poet, Anne Donegan.

This beautiful stylish little book is in the local shops now. It has many charming poems, some with a local flavour, that will bring a memory, a tear or a smile.

Here is an example;

It took a poet to see the potential in this heart shaped stone and to craft this lovely thought provoking poem.

A Fact

The name of the legendary Lady Godiva’s horse was Aethenoth.

(You can thank me when it comes up in the table quiz.)


Trains and Style and Bogs

The Lartigue replica train on Sunday September 2024

A Tea Caddy

The younger generation never heard of a tea caddy. Ones just like this were in many houses in Ireland fadó, fadó. This was in the day before tea bags and all tea was ‘loose”.

Stylish Local Ladies at Ladies’ Day 2024

Helen and Breda

Eilish living up to her nickname, “Stylish Eilish”

Kathleen O’Flaherty

A Pipe Dream of Days in the Amusements Perhaps

The Book Tour Hit Duagh

The lovely Mary in Watsons agreed to stock Moments of Reflection.


Turf Wars in the Papers

Daily Post

July 10 1909  •  Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

SHOOTING OUTRAGE. An outrage is reported to have taken place at Tullamore, near Listowel, county Kerry, recently. Up to a short time ago a number of tenants were allowed to cut turf in a bog on Lord Ormathwaite’s property. Recently the entire bog was transferred to a farmer in the district, who sent 20 men to cut the turf. Shortly afterwards six armed and disguised men appeared and opened fire on the turf cutters, who fled in terror. Some of them, in endeavouring to save themselves, fell into the bog hole and were rescued by their companions with difficulty. The firing party are stated to have ” skirmished around the place ” until they had satisfied themselves that there was little likelihood of the turf cutters returning.

Lartigue Open Day

Despite the inclement weather on the day, the volunteers at The Lartigue Monorail and Museum had a great open day event on Sunday September 29 2024. I have a few photos but they will have to wait ’til next week.

I have an abundance of content after my week off.

Three Lartigue men, Martin, Leo and Seamus

A Fact

Giraffes are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than humans


A Church, A Grotto and a Poem

Admiring the fields of rapeseed in Castlemagner in April 2024.

Edel Quinn

They are very proud of Venerable Edel Quinn in Castlemagner. They have built a shrine in the church to this holy woman. She was a Legion of Mary missionary to Africa, where she worked bringing the message of Christianity to Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. She died in Nairobi in 1944 and she is buried in the missionaries Cemetery there. She was selfless, and well meaning and she is commemorated in Kanturk and Castlemagner.

May is the Month of Mary

Ballyduff Grotto  ( Image and text from the Facebook page Anyone from Ballyduff…)

The Ballyduff branch of Macra Na Ferme set about the task of erecting a Marrian Grotto in 1954. A site offered by farmer Frank Hammil was accepted which resulted in the “Wayside shrine” been in Rahela. As regards work on the Grotta itself, the labour was voluntary. Paddy and Johnny Costello, Clashmealcon supplied trailers of gravel from a Quarry in Clounlougher. Thomas Sheehy designed the Grotto and ordered the Statue from Dublin. The statue arrived in a box to Lixnaw railway station and delivered by lorry to Ballyduff. Those who worked regularly at the building were Jack Joy and John O Connor Clounlougher, Den Joe Galvin Drumartin, Jimmy Supple Hearthill, and John Dunne Glounerdalive.  The plastering was done by Michael Regan from bishopscourt, the ironwork by Mike O Carroll of Lacca. and the Electricals by Pat Joe Burns of Ardcullen, and the finishing work by Mikie Brassil, Rahela and Jack Enright Kilmore. The Grotto was blessed by Fr. Courtney and assisted by Fr. B Hayes on Sunday 3rd July 1955.


I was reminded of Patrick Kavanagh’s poem as I followed the saga of Thade Kelly’s Hen.

I have lived in important places, times

When great events were decided, who owned

That half a rood of rock, a no-man’s land

Surrounded by our pitchfork-armed claims.

I heard the Duffys shouting “Damn your soul!”

And old McCabe stripped to the waist, seen

Step the plot defying blue cast-steel –

“Here is the march along these iron stones.”

That was the year of the Munich bother. Which

Was more important? I inclined

To lose my faith in Ballyrush and Gortin

Till Homer’s ghost came whispering to my mind.

He said: I made the Iliad from such

A local row. Gods make their own importance.

One from the Archives

From The Knocnagoshel Phoenix 2007

A Fact

Fairs were held in Ireland during May. The main business of a fair was the buying and selling of livestock. Unfortunately, faction fighting became a feature of fairs too. Fights at the Donnybrook Fair became so commonplace that the word Donnybrook entered the language as a word for a mass brawl.


A Play, A Train, Toast and a Poet’s Muse

Bike stand with Listowel Arms in the background

John Relihan in Kanturk

Duagh’s world famous chef and food entrepreneur was in Jack McCarthy’s world famous butcher’s and food shop in Kanturk on Saturday.

John Relihan with William and Cian Ahern in McCarthy’s on Saturday March 16 2024

Lartigue Opening at Easter 2024

From the Archives

Kerryman Friday, April 24, 1987

Tons of Money; comedy

GROUP Theatre Tralee takes the stage in Siamsa Tire Theatre at the end of this month with their 52nd production to date; a three act farce called “Tons of Money” by Will Evans and Valentine.

“It’s the funniest play I’ve read in years and I can recommend it unreservedly,” director Maurice Curtin told The Kerryman this week as work started on the set in Siamsa.

“Tons of Money,” which is currently running at London’s National Theatre, will be performed by the Tralee group from Thursday to Saturday, April 30 to May 2 at 8.30 p.m.

The cast of Group Theatre’s latest production in this, their 18th consecutive season, includes Betty Crowley from Ardfert, Bernie O’Connor from Moyvane and Tralee actors and actresses, Tony Collins (Lisbeg), Miriam O’Regan (Moyderwell), Brian Caball (Ashe Street), Brendan McMahon, Mary Church, Mairead Dowling, Danny O’Leary and Kay Dowling.

Mr. Curtin told The Kerryman that “Tons of Money” was one of the earliest box office blockbuster plays, reaching a record 733 consecutive performances when it was first staged, in London in 1922.

He said he believed it had been performed in Tralee before by the CYMS Drama Group and Denis Hourigan of St. Brendan’s Park, Tralee, could remember playing the part of the butler, Spules, in it.


Stella was Dean Swift’s muse. Little is known about her. She was Esther Johnson, an English woman. She is buried beside Swift in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin.

St. Patrick’s Day 2024

Kay’s Children’s Shop window

Big crowd of spectators

First sighting of the marchers

Leading the parade in sunny Listowel

A Fact

French toast has nothing to do with France. It was the brainchild of Joseph French, an innkeeper in New York in 1724. He intended to call it French’s Toast but in his advertisement, he forgot the ‘s.


Drama in Kilcullen

Christmas crib in Duagh.

photo from 2022

Out of Order

One of the highlights of my trip to Kildare was a visit to the Town Hall Theatre, Kilcullen for a most enjoyable evening of theatre in the company of family and friends.

My daughter Clíona surrounded by her McKenna, O’Neill and Muldoon in-laws in the ample foyer of the theatre.

The play was a fast paced farce full of confusion and misunderstandings and was played to perfection by the local cast.

The part of Miss Worthington was played by Sinead O’Neill who posed for me beside a photo of her late grandfather who was also a member of Kilcullen Drama Group.

The O’Neill’s were out in force to support Sinead.

Mary and Anne O’Neill beside their late father’s photo.

This group has a strong Listowel connection.

There was a period in the 60s and 70s when they staged almost every John B. Keane play.

The group have the most comfortable theatre in which to perform.

This theatre began life as a cinema and it has the marvellous tiered seating and physical closeness associated with a small old style cinema.

The place got a major overhaul in 1999. This huge work was spearheaded by a man called Pat Dunlea. Pat was a garage owner and Volvo dealer. He persuaded Volvo to sponsor the seats.

These are the most comfortable theatre seats you’ll ever sit in.

Seated comfortably, we were treated to a head spinning, laugh a minute adult pantomime.

The action took place in Buswell’s Hotel in Dublin.

In the interval, “Buswell’s staff ” served us tea in china cups.

Another nice touch was the cast came to meet and greet, pose for photos and chat in the foyer after the show.

If you are ever in that neck of the woods and these people are performing be sure to go along. They were just the tonic for a cold evening in Winter.

Christmas at The Claus House

Home Alone

A Christmas poem from Mary McElligott

‘What will I do Mrs Claus?”

Santa rubbed his head.

He really was exhausted.

His legs felt like lead.

His head was pounding, throbbing.

He was frozen to the bone.

Mrs Claus was too busy cleaning,

To listen to him moan.

He was like this every year,

I suppose you’d say, stressed.

She’d listen, support and encourage,

Take out his long sleeved vest.

Christmas Eve was looming,

Three more sleeps to go.

Was it his age? She wondered,

Gosh, t’was hard to know.

Mrs Claus was high dusting,

Changing sheets and beds.

Five hundred elves was no joke,

The last time she counted heads.

One hundred stayed all year

But in October that count went up,

Hard work for Mrs. Claus,

To get it all set up.

She cooked and cleaned their dorms.

She worked out their Rota,

24/7 their job,

Hard, juggling that quota.

She loved it though, being busy,

Loved caring for the elves,

They were like their children,

When they didn’t have any themselves.

Some poor elves were homesick,

In the North Pole for a whole twelve weeks.

She often saw tears flowing,

Down their little cheeks.

She had one big job to sort.

She did it through the year.

It was she who got the elves their gifts,

Brought them their Christmas cheer.

She made several trips down south.

There was a great service from The Pole

But her favorite place to go,

Was a place called Listowel.

It was so tidy and clean,

So pretty, down by the park

And even more beautiful at night,

With with all those blue lights in the dark.

She’d buy all their gifts,

Hats, scarves and gloves for the elves.

She’d pack them in huge cases,

Leaving a bit of space for a few bits for themselves.

She loved Christmas Eve,

Santa gone, the elves in bed.

She’d open up her cases,

Deliver gifts as she’d quietly tread,

Up and down, between the beds,

One hundred in each dorm,

Over and back until the cases were empty,

Finishing up near dawn.

They all get a Christmas bonus,

50 Euros and of course, some sweets,

After all it was Christmas

And you’d have to give them treats.

She’d only just be gone tombed,

When Santa would land in, FROZEN..

She’d leave out coke and cake,

Waiting for him, dozing.

‘How was it Santa?’ she’d ask,

‘Everything go all right with the reindeer?’

“Absolutely perfect Mrs Claus,

Thanks to you. Merry Christmas, my dear.”

A Fact

From Schools’ Folklore collection

Garret Stack went to confession Christmas Eve and he was to go to communion Christmas morning and the clock stopped during the night and he got up and went away thinking it was very late and when he was near Newtown he met a priest and he knew him and that priest was dead and he came down the road and went into Mc. Cabe’s and it was only one o’clock and he stayed there until morning.

Written by Con Shine, Kilbaha, told by his father John Shine.


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