This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

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Snowy Kanturk; January 2025

Photo; Blue Tit by Chris Grayson

Roof Collapse

One of the most disastrous impacts that the snowfall had on life in Kerry was the collapse of the roof of the Tralee Sports Complex. Thankfully it happened at nighttime and there was no loss of life of injury to anyone. The Complex is a very very busy place and many many North Kerry clubs and groups depend on it.

A Poem for Parents

Kanturk looked Beautiful in the Snow

Photos by Adrian Angelina on Facebook

Growing up in Listowel in the 1960s and 1970s

Concluding part of Carmel Hanrahan’s reminiscences…

The Races – a week off school, what bliss.  Returning from Summer holidays a week early seemed a small price to pay.  We went to The Market where the amusements were. It was never going to the amusements but going to “The Market”.  We saved whatever money we got through the year –my savings were in a Band-Aid Tin – white with a picture of a plaster on it.  I remember once having a Ten Shilling note in it which seemed like a fortune.  I’m wondering if it was possibly the year I made my First Communion. On our way from Cahirdown to town there was a small shop quite close to the boys’ National School – I can’t remember the name of the owner, where we regularly bought Slab Toffee – Cleeve’s – and which you would then break on the edge of the path.  Speaking around the lump of toffee was a skill in its own right. She also sold sweets in paper cones.

Burning question here!! Does anyone, apart from me that is, remember Penny Cakes? –.  My sister also remembers them so I know I haven’t imagined them.  The closest I can come to describing them is that they were like a rusk and I adored them I think there was also a variation with fruit. You could buy them out of big boxes which were placed just inside the door of Miss Molyneaux’s shop, (pronounced Munnix), across the street from Michael and Delia Kearney.  Biscuits in large tins with glass panel on top sold loosely resided just at the door.  Nobody I’ve ever spoken to from anywhere else knows what I’m speaking about when I mention them.  Tile loaves are another mystery to people – I learned that in Dublin they are called Turn-overs but will always be a Tile loaf to me.  Lynch’s bakery used to sell them and I would pick my way through one on the way home from the Square.  I often thought I should have bought two, one to hand over at home and the other for me.  My greatest regret about Listowel is that Lawlor’s Cake Shop closed.  Oh, my goodness, what cakes, never since matched or beaten.  The coffee cake in particular – there’s a surprise!

The Convent Primary school was where the girls all started off.  Some boys attended until senior infants when they then transferred to the Boy’s National School where Brian McMahon was Principal.  We learned to knit and sew in Primary School and the highlight of the whole enterprise was the visit of the Sewing Inspector.  There were two maybe three weeks with minimal schoolwork done as we were preparing for “The Visit”, getting our various projects completed.  Playing in the Schoolyard seemed to have a Seasonality to it.  There was a time for chasing games, then Hopscotch and Piggy (??) were de rigueur, Skipping and then Conkers.  Our Skipping Ropes generally came from Carrolls in the Square – a length of rope with a knot tied at either end.

Then came Secondary School when we strolled from one building to another without another thought.  How lucky we were – none of today’s angst trying to ensure a place and wondering if you qualify for the school of choice.  Everyone transitioned together with a few exceptions, and some new classmates joined us.  We had some interesting teachers in Secondary.  Tony Behan who was our history teacher and approached the curriculum in his own inimitable way, and who gave us the time and space to think things out for ourselves and draw our own conclusions.  But the best by far was Sr Carmelita who lived on a reputation for being very fierce and indeed, she presented as such.  However, once you engaged with her and got into conversation, she turned out to be an incredibly inspiring person.  Indeed, I met her a few times in Cork when she was visiting and went to tea with her in the Imperial Hotel where we continued our long and rambling conversations.  It is she I must thank for my love of English and language in general.

There were some Characters in Listowel as we grew up.  One of these being Babe Jo Wilmot.  What a larger-than-life personality.  She always struck me as being a very warm person, and had I been old enough at the time, I suspect she would have been great fun to socialise with.  We, of course, had the aforementioned Bryan McMahon whom I occasionally engaged in conversation with on my walk home from school and John B Keane.  John B used to walk up our road many evenings setting a ferocious pace with one of his sons struggling to keep up.  Billy told me recently that he was the walking companion in question.  Dr McGuire also walked up Cahirdown for his constitutional.  Many a fright he got when “Mac” (the Weimaraner) came bounding down the road to land with his front paws on my shoulders.  He hadn’t realised that Mac and I were ice-cream sharing partners on the occasions when Mike (his son) brought him to hang out.  What a handsome dog.

So, with my rosy glasses removed I am still firmly of the belief we were blessed to grow up in Listowel.  When I’m there now I can see so many changes to the place and yet, there is an underlying familiarity.  When I think of Listowel my immediate image is of standing on the river bank looking at the bridge.  I’m not sure why the bridge made such an impression but there you are.

A Few Food Related Brehon Laws

Couldn’t find any meaning for withe on the internet but looking at the illustration, it looks like a spancel.

A Fact

Bloomsbury, the publishers offered £2000 in advance for the first Harry Potter book, The Philosopher’s Stone


Turkey, Chocolates and Other Christmas Things

St. Patrick’s Hall at Christmas 2024

The people behind the delicious Brona chocolates have opened a shop at 3 William Street. As well as selling all their lovely chocolate products, they are selling hot chocolate…delicious!

An Exiles Christmas

Martin OHara wrote in 2021…

This time last year we posted a poem called the Exiles Christmas, about an old retired Irishman, living in a small flat in London, reminiscing about his childhood days in Ireland in his youth. 

I based that poem on a man called Joe I worked with in England over thirty years ago. He was from county Tipperary, and he was actually living in a one bedroom flat from the time he came to England, up until I came to know him, a period of 22 years. 

He had never been back to Ireland in all that time. When the job finished, I lost contact with Joe, no mobile phones in those days. I often wondered what became of him as he had a fondness for the drink. 

To make a long story short I based that poem on Joe, and as it proved so popular last year, I thought we might post it again. And Joe, if your still out there, a very Merry Christmas to you.


It was Christmas eve in London, 

And an Irishman, called Joe.

Stood by an upstairs window 

That looked on the street below. 

He could see the shoppers passing by,

Their voices filled with cheer.

As they shouted happy Christmas,

And a prosperous new year.

As he looked around the little room, 

That for years had been his home.

He was fifty years in London, 

Since he crossed the ocean foam. 

His youthful days behind him now,

And his working days long gone.

In retirement, his days were spent 

On his own, to carry on.

He could hear a church bell ringing, 

On the street across the way.

Where mass was celebrated, on

The eve of Christmas day. 

Then a choir started singing, and

The strains of silent night,

Came drifting through the window.

Into Joe’s old flat that night.

As he listened to the singing,

He began to shed a tear.

For he always felt emotional, 

On Christmas eve each year.

When old memories came flooding back,

And his thoughts began to stray.

To his childhood days in Ireland, 

Long ago and far away

He could see again the old thatched house,

At the corner of the lane.

Oh what he’d give to be a lad, and be

back there once again.

The candle in the window, 

To light a Welcome way.

For the virgin and the Christ child,

On the eve of Christmas day.

The Holly and the ivy, and the cards 

Around the fire.

And his mothers Christmas cooking, 

That would fill you with desire. 

The boxes left for Santa Claus,

In the hopes that he would call. 

With the toys to play on Christmas day, 

The happiest times of all.

As his memories began to fade, reality 

Set in.

He was back once more in London, 

In his little flat again.

And he drew his coat around him, as he

Sat back in his chair.

And for all those in his memories, he

began to say a prayer.

And he asked the Lord, to grant them rest,

In the land beyond the sky.

All the folks he once shared Christmas with,

In the happy years gone by.

Tomorrow at the center, he will meet his

Old friend jack, an Irishman just like himself. 

That never made it back.

They will have their Christmas Dinner, 

and a glass or two of beer,

As they join their old acquaintances,

And the friends they love so dear.

Everybody has their party piece, 

To raise a bit of cheer.

At their Christmas get together. 

In the center every year. 

So to all our Irish exiles, in lands 

far off and near.

The blessing of this Christmas time we

wish you all this year.

And although we are divided, by land

and sky, and foam, 

A very merry Christmas, from the Irish 

Folks at home.

Martin O’Hara     ©   29/11/2021

The Best Elf Picture

Mick O’Callaghan spotted this one in an optician’s in Gorey.

Some Listowel Hall doors at Christmas 2024


by Junior Griffin

Oh Lord, when we give this Christmas time,

Do teach us how to share

The gifts that you have given us

With those who need our care,

For the gift of Time is sacred~

The greatest gift of all,

And to share our time with others

Is the answer to your call,

For the Sick, the Old and Lonely

Need a word, a kindly cheer

For every precious minute

Of each day throughout the Year,

So, in this Special Season

Do share Your Time and Love

And your Happy, Holy Christmas

Will be Blessed by Him above

Junior Griffin

Aspects of Tralee

A Fact

Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 6th.


A Prayer, a Signing and Shaving

The lovely old sign has been uncovered during upgrading at Jet’s

The Good Old Days

Watching My Father Shave by Joyce Sutphen

I see my father’s face in the mirror,
stripping off the white mask that wraps
along his cheekbone, over his mouth,
and, chin jutted up, down his neck.

The river razor tap-taps the sink;
the ivory-handled brush swishes back
and forth in the cup, and every time
he turns the handle, the faucet squeaks.

I watch the steaming water fill the sink,
and when he splashes it on his face,
the mask dissolves into his waiting hands;
the towel turns on the wooden roller.

How I regret being a girl and never
being able to find myself this way,
to prove how steady I am,
how close to the edge I can come.

Mark Moriarty Book Signing

at Listowel Food Fair 2024

Breeda planning what recipe she’ll try first.

A signed copy could become a treasure in time.

Mattie Lennon sent us this prayer.

Prayer for Good Humor

by St. Thomas More

Grant me, O Lord, good digestion, and also

something to digest.

Grant me a healthy body, and the necessary

good humor to maintain it.

Grant me a simple soul that knows to treasure

all that is good

and that doesn’t frighten easily at the sight of


but rather finds the means to put things back in

their place.

Give me a soul that knows not boredom,

grumblings, sighs and laments,

nor excess of stress, because of that obstructing

thing called “I.”

Grant me, O Lord, a sense of good humor.

Allow me the grace to be able to take a joke to

discover in life a bit of joy,

and to be able to share it with others.

A Corner of Tralee

Church avenue in Winter 2024

Mural inside the gate of St. John’s

A Fact

Both Shakespeare and Cervantes died on the same day, April 23 1616


In Tralee and Kanturk

Listowel’s ball alley in October 2024

This week in Listowel Family Resource Centre

As promised, Sheilagh at the family resource centre has kept us informed about activities at this marvellous local meeting place.

If you have any questions about any of these activities, call 06823584

The centre is located on the John B. Keane Road

A Cosmopolitan Corner of Tralee

I took the following photos without moving from my spot at the traffic lights by Guiney’s in Tralee. What strange neighbours, Peig Sayers, Neil Armstrong and an Italian Irish restaurant.

A Hall in Kanturk

This very popular community hall in Kanturk is often referred to locally as The Temperance Hall. It is now looked after by the Community Council. I don’t know about its origins in the temperance movement but as a trade union hall it played an important role in social and political affairs in the town.

I had never heard of the All for Ireland League so I looked it up.

The All-for-Ireland League (AFIL) was an Irish, Munster-based political party (1909–1918). Founded by William O’Brien MP, it generated a new national movement to achieve agreement between the different parties concerned on the historically difficult aim of Home Rule for the whole of Ireland. The AFIL established itself as a separate non-sectarian party in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, binding a group of independent nationalists MPs to pursue a broader concept of Irish nationalism, a consensus of political brotherhood and reconciliation among all Irishmen, primarily to win Unionist consent to an All-Ireland parliamentary settlement.

This is just the introduction to a very interesting article in Wikipedia.

Another Gold Medal

In Croke Park for the announcement of the winners of the National Tidy Towns Competition were Breda, Mary, Julie and Jimmy representing Listowel. Listowel achieved another gold medal and increased its overall mark by 11 points. well done everyone.

Listowel Food Fair

Promoting the annual Food Fair at Garvey’s Super Valu on Saturday last.

All the information is here; Listowel Food Fair 2024

Some More Hospice Morning Photos

A fact

Michelangelo finished painting the Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel on October 31 1541.


Milk Market Lane

Chris Grayson’s photo of a robin in The National Park, Killarney

Milk Market Lane, Tralee

This unusual lane has a mixture of real shops and facades painted to look like old shops.


Kerry Evening Post, Wednesday, 11 July, 1855


Some of the deserters from the Kerry Regiment have been at length arrested, and will be tried by district court martial this week.; The hiding places of several others have become known to the regimental authorities. This will, we hope, check the practice of desertion, which had grown in two or three weeks to a fearful extent in our county corps.  A recruiting party under the command of a non-commissioned officer, has just been sent to Listowel, there to be stationed till further orders.

Comings and Goings

New Thai eatery for Church Street

Tattoo has ceased trading

Some People at the Launch of Moments of Reflection

Helena and Teresa Molyneaux

Mary McGrath and Cathríona O’Neill

Judy MacMahon

Marie Moriarty

Martin Chute

In the Town Park

I was in Childers’ Park on Sunday taking a few pictures when this lovely lady insisted that I allow her to take my picture. She said that I am always behind the camera. She thought it was time I was in front. Here is her photo;

A Fact

An average person produces about 25,00 quarts of saliva in a lifetime, enough to fill two swimming pools.


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