Kinsale, Sunday August 18 2024
Kilsinon Graveyard

No Irish Need Apply
J.A. Harris
Help wanted ads New York Times May 1 1855.
This seems like terrible discrimination by NY protestants in the 19th century. There are plenty of incidences of similar insularity from Catholics in Ireland. Up to the 1960s we were forbidden to set foot inside a protestant church. During the Dublin Lockout of 1913 when the children of the striking workers were starving, the Catholic clergy of the time refused to allow them to be fostered out to Protestant families who were willing to take them in.

Nana was Naughty

Nana bought Aoife the dearest lollipop in the shop (or maybe even in any shop) while Mammy was doing the food shopping

Aoife agreed to sing dumb.

It was well worth the money.
Eclipse, The Pony

This is where Róisín’s pony lives and where she goes to ride him.

This equestrian centre is situated in the rolling hillside of Crookstown, Co. Cork.

I was only the driver. Aimee was the able assistant and videographer for the day.

Aimee took the selfie when Eclipse was all tacked up and ready to go.

In the arena

Eclipse wanted to get up close and personal.

I was on the outside with the dogs.
A Fact
The driest place on earth is in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Rain has never been recorded in some parts of this desert.