I snapped this at the sheriff’s corner yesterday. 


They’re putting up the lights.

And tonight in Halla Bhriain Mhic Mathúna it’s the parish bazaar….

My photo is from a bazaar of yesteryear with Brendan Behan in the auctioneer’s chair. 

We will spare a thought tonight for the best auctioneer of them all, the late Michael Dowling. 

Michael, a lifelong pioneer, provided many a laugh with his descriptions of alcoholic items. Anything from a cheap sherry to a Chateau Neuf de Pape was described by Michael as a “fine table wine” for the Christmas dinner. His gentle admonitions to the children shuffling around the front, “Ah, be quiet now lads, they can’t hear me at the back,” will be missed tonight.

 Ar dheis lámh Dé go raibh a anam uasal.


Vincent Carmody, on seeing my Clounmacon photo, pointed me in the direction of the library and a treasure therein. The book he recommended and I subsequently borrowed is called Scéal Chluain Meacáin. It’s a great book brought out by Clounmacon GAA to celebrate the opening of their new field. There is the photo of my fine young men with the cup complete with captioned names.