Lovely Rattoo

My friend, Bridget O’Connor, recently took these pictures of Rattoo Round Tower in Ballyduff.


Local Win

This was the scene on Market Street, Listowel on Saturday last, August 6 2016. The occasion was the competition to select a Travelling Rose. This was an event organised by Travellers for Travellers and it took place in The Risin Sun in Market Street last week end. The winner was local girl, Sammy Joe McCarthy.


A Few New Kids on the Block

This corner of town is going to look really colourful when Bailey and Co. opens its doors in time for Listowel Races.

This man was putting the finishing touches to the gold paintwork last week.

There is a new Hair and Beauty premises on Church St.


To Market, to market…..

Not a fat pig this time, rather a fine goat.


A Weekend of Music and Fun

On Saturday evening we will have the music event in The Square. And then on Sunday next, August 14 2016 we will have the ‘Love Listowel’ Family Evening in the Square. Kelly O’Sullivan says, “The idea behind it is to use the space that the Revival Concert used the night before and create a free community event. The event is co-funded by Listowel Traders & Love Listowel.

There will be bouncy castles, face painting, music, hot food stall, dog show & kids activities.”


P.S. A big big thank you to all the kind people who have been in touch to tell me they missed me and to welcome me back. Your support and kind words are greatly appreciated.