Old Listowel Ballad
from Shannonside Annual 1956

I’ve never seen this old song before. Does anyone have an air to it?
Ballybunion Old RIC Barracks
James Sherman’s photos shared with Glin Historical Society

We have no names for the policemen.
McGillicuddy’s Toy Shop at Christmas

McGillicuddy’s Toyshop has been part of Listowel Christmasses for decades.
This year, Seán is holding a raffle with some sought after Christmas prizes. It’s all in aid of Crumlin Children Hospital.
McGillicuddys Crumlin Children’s Hospital Christmas Raffle
Raffle in store or online at https://www.idonate.ie/raffle/McGillicuddysRaffle
1st Prize Rainbow High Dolls House and Doll
2nd Prize Barbie Dreamhouse and Doll
3rd Prize €150 of Bruder Toys
4th Prize Wendy Dolls house
5th Prize Lego Hogwarts Express
6th Prize Hasbro Games Bundle.
This initiative is definitely worthy of support.
Footnote; Now might be a good time for some older readers to share with us their memories of Listowel’s iconic toyshop and its place in Listowel Christmasses past. Memories to listowelconnection@gmail.com please
Christmas in Kerry Long Ago
From the Schools Folklore Collection in The National Archives

Customs and Manners of Christmas.
The people of olden times, when Christmas used come, no matter how poor the people were they tried to honour Christmas the best way they could.
They used always kill a calf for Christmas day and some of them used have a goose roasted Christmas day.
When they used get out of bed Christmas morning they used take three drinks of water and bless themselves after each drink before breakfast. This was a cure for any sudden pain they used get for the rest of the year. There was another custom following it they used keep a piece of the Christmas candle that used be lighting in the kitchen and if they got the pain they used take three drinks and bless themselves as before and they used light the candle and they used make the sign of the cross on themselves with the candle.
They believed that the baby boy who would be born at midnight on Christmas night had a cure on his hand for evil sores by making the sign of the cross on the sores.
The old people said that the night Our Lord was born our Blessed Lady put her hand on the asses back and the ass has a cross ever since.
They brought the holy water from the chapel Christmas morning, because they thought the priest used give it a special blessing for that day. They used eat as much as they could New Years night or if they wouldn’t they wouldn’t eat enough for the rest of the year.
Oidhche Nodhlagh beagh oidhche na trí ríghthe creidhtear go ndeintear fíon de’n uisghe síoda de’n triopall agus airgheadh de’n ghreann.
( On Little Christmas night, the night of the three kings, it is believed that water is made into wine, ………..into silk and ……… into silver)
The child scribe wrote down what she heard. I couldn’t find triopall in the dictionary and greann means fun so maybe it was gcrann as in a tree or wood)
INFORMANT Cáit Bean Uí Shúilleabháin
Address Coad, Co. Kerry
The school is Bunaneer, Co Kerry