Daffodils on Market Street in February 2024
Muskerry Local History Society meeting in February 2024
This artefact was brought by an American Irish man, Michael Loehr. It is a prison ring. It was made from a nail by his ancestor, a republican prisoner. Prison jewellery and ornaments are prized within families. This ring was taken to the US and now brought back home by a descendant.
Another republican artefact was brought by Bert Ahern. This flag draped the coffin of his ancestor. The name and details were embroidered on to the flag after his burial by 2 neighbours of Jeremiah. The flag is kept in the family and is put on coffins of Ahern descendants to this day. This was in keeping with a request by a sister of the dead man. She was anxious that he would never be forgotten and his senseless death at the hands of men who had fought by his side a few short years earlier would not be in vain.
Early Days of the Folk Group
You hear them at mass on Saturday evenings. Well, this is where it started. Matt Mooney (fourth from left in the back row) sent us this treasure.
Research is underway on putting names to faces. Check back here soon. I hope to have all the names.
New Kerry Logo
We’ll be seeing more of this
Looking Forward to This
Fake News
My Eurovision “fact” was not, in fact, true. Sweden has also won seven Eurovision competitions. Wikipedia needs to update its facts and I need to fact check better,
A kind blog follower gently corrected my misinformation. Thank you.
Photo; Irish Mirror
If Bambi wins we’ll regain our record.
A Fact
Every tweet the American people send is archived in The Library of Congress.