This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: bazaar

Christmas Comes to Listowel and Clonmel and Limerick and Cork……

Santa Parade in Listowel Sunday December 7 2014


Scoil Realta na Maidine carol singing In The Square December 5 2014


Community Centre Fundraising Spinathon December 5 2014


Memories, memories

Two people wrote to me to give me the names of the people in this photograph.

Beta O’Brien names them as: “Dr Wm Enright (Dentist) Mr Maloney, his Dental mechanic Mrs Enright and daughter Teresa (Dentist) father of Todd( Dentist)”

Liam Enright, formerly of Cahirdown wrote:

In the photo were my grandfather William B., Jim “the Chum” Moloney, my grandmother Sheila, and my aunt, Teresa.


Boats at Beal 1964

Liam Enright wrote;

  I found the photo of the blessing of the boats very interesting . On the left of the photo there is a wheeled vehicle. This is a “DUKW”.  It was a type of amphibious troop landing vehicle that was used in large numbers in WW2. They were US made. This one could well have seen action in Normandy or Anzio or some other landing site. I remember seeing that DUKW in  Ballybunion. There was great excitement on the men’s beach one day when it drove down the road into the beach and entered the water. I must be getting old because I often asked people if they remember it around Ballybunion and not too many do. It was very interesting to see a photo of it. …

Anyone know anything about this vehicle?


Enjoying a Break

My good friends, Anne and Liam Dillon enjoying a weekend break in Cork recently.


A Corner of Listowel that is forever Chinese

McKenna’s Does Christmas


Parish Bazaar 2014

(photo; Denis Carroll)


Nice Christmas Story from Clonmel

(photo and story ;Morning Ireland)

Clonmel, like many Irish towns has suffered a hemorrhage of emigration in recent years. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in local teams where the loss of so many young people often leaves once strong clubs unable to field a team.

Clonmel have hit on an innovative fun event for St. Stephen’s Day. It’s called Home to Hurl and eighteen young men are returning from Australia, the U.S., Britain and Saudi Arabia to take on the team they left behind.

The photo above shows their mammies eagerly awaiting the return of the hurlers.


On Your Bike, Limerick


Cork Knits for Simon

(photo: Vibes and Scribes)

Vibes and Scribes is a great Cork knitting and craft supplies shop. This is the scene in the shop this week where many women are knitting caps, socks, gloves and other woolies for rough sleepers and people in the Simon Community hostel.


The late Jackie Healy Rae

This great photo of the late jackie Healy Rae and supporters was taken by MacMonagle Photographers in Killarney in 2007.


Savannah McCarthy (of Listowel): the rock on which Irish success is being built

Great writeup in yesterday’s  (Dec 8 2014) Irish Times

Lovely photo from Tom

Tom just now sent me this photograph of members of the parish bazaar committee making a presentation to the late Michael Dowling  at last year’s Bazaar.  Ní imithe uainn atá sé ach imithe romhainn.

In the photo are Julie Gleeson, Michael Dowling, Brendan Behan, Billy Moloney, Mary O’Hanlon and Kay Hanley.

Festive Friday, Parish Bazaar and Clounmacon photo revisited

I snapped this at the sheriff’s corner yesterday. 


They’re putting up the lights.

And tonight in Halla Bhriain Mhic Mathúna it’s the parish bazaar….

My photo is from a bazaar of yesteryear with Brendan Behan in the auctioneer’s chair. 

We will spare a thought tonight for the best auctioneer of them all, the late Michael Dowling. 

Michael, a lifelong pioneer, provided many a laugh with his descriptions of alcoholic items. Anything from a cheap sherry to a Chateau Neuf de Pape was described by Michael as a “fine table wine” for the Christmas dinner. His gentle admonitions to the children shuffling around the front, “Ah, be quiet now lads, they can’t hear me at the back,” will be missed tonight.

 Ar dheis lámh Dé go raibh a anam uasal.


Vincent Carmody, on seeing my Clounmacon photo, pointed me in the direction of the library and a treasure therein. The book he recommended and I subsequently borrowed is called Scéal Chluain Meacáin. It’s a great book brought out by Clounmacon GAA to celebrate the opening of their new field. There is the photo of my fine young men with the cup complete with captioned names.

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