Christmas Lights at Coco and The Arcade 2022


Cyril Kelly Remembers John B. Keane’s The Field


Celebrating 100 years of Policing

Nov 30 2022

The scene of the action was the Garda Station.

This lovely doggie was taking a day off from searching and rescuing.

Some well known local faces in the crowd

Tony and Mary Frances watching history being made

Jim, Colette and Liz on Church Street


The Little Cheese Shop

This unusual little shop was where I lunched recently. I was at the consultant in The Kerry Clinic at the Bon Secours Hospital. I had not been in this part of town for years and I was looking forward to a lunch in the lovely Bons Café. Alas the café is no more. Well, it is still there but now it’s for staff only.

Nothing for it but to leg it to town. This was the first eatery I met. As you can see from my picture its by The Island of Geese just down the road from the hospital.

If you are dairy intolerant, don’t be put off by the name. You can have a lovely lunch without a hint of milk, cheese, yoghurt or other dairy produce.

I dined upstairs and I was fascinated by this “side hustle”, coats made from woolen blankets.

The dairy theme was echoed in the improvised furniture. The router sat on an old butter churn.

If you are in Tralee, give it a go. They are very nice.


`Today’s Christmassy piece

A Listowel Christmas card with artwork by Michael O’Connor and verse by Bryan MacMahon.
