This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Christmas 2013

Football, Santa Parade Sun. Dec. 8 2013 and more from Craftshop na Méar

They did it!

Listowel Emmetts won  Novice Championship final against Brosna while the Senior Team won against Castleisland Desmonds in the Senior Championship final. 

Both games were won by the narrowest of margins, one point.

I took this in the Small Square shortly after the final whistle.


The weather  has taken a turn for the worst. This is Mike Enright’s picture of the sea in Ballybunion on Saturday Dec 14 2013.


Santa arrived in Listowel in his usual flamboyant style on Dec. 8th. I photographed him as he made his way down Church Street followed by a parade. The Convent School band led the parade followed by Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail. A very popular entry in the parade this year was a group of Australian young people. They were on a tour of North Kerry. They played football against Ballylongford and Listowel Emmetts. Both games were played under lights in Páic Mhic Shithigh and proved very enjoyable.


The Leahy family of Shrone were joined by Eileen O’Sullivan to watch Santa pass by.


“a castle, like a rock upon a rock,

with chasms, like portals, open to the sea,

and steps that meet the breaker.”

Lick (Leck) Castle a picturesque coastal mark

a mile north of Bromore Cliffs


Newspaper snippet from the past

Freeman’s Journal 13 Aug 1917

SERGEANT-MAJOR’S DEATH-The death in action of Sergeant-Major John Hennessy,Leinsters, has occasioned keen regret in his native town, Listowel. The deceased was 21 years in the army, and served through the South African war,

and was about receiving a commission when he was killed by a shell. He was the son of the late Mr. D.C. Hennessy, journalist, and author of the “Lays of North Kerry.”

Friday Miscellaney

Some local ladies taking a look around Craftshop na Méar.


Encomium for lady with a Listowel connection in 1899

(From The Kentucky Irish American, Louisville August 12, 1899)

No death of recent date has caused more profound sorrow in Ireland than

that of Mrs. Pierce Mahony, which occurred at her home in Sutton, County

Dublin, July 27.

 Mrs. Mahony belonged to a well-known Kerry family, the Raymonds, and was in every respect an ornament to Irish womanhood. She was a lady of exceeding culture, and her great personal charm was the admiration of all

who ever had the privilege of coming within her gracious influence. To the

Irish cause she was passionately devoted, and her bereaved husband by her decease loses a lifelong companion who was in complete sympathy with all his aims.


Another one of the newly painted shops. Town is looking really well lately. This premises on Market Street was formerly Cronins.


Charming picture from Dublin Zoo 1932


Sunday is Dec. 8, traditionally a big shopping day in town. If you are “bringing home the Christmas, do drop into Craftshop na Méar for that unique gift.

The Santa Parade starts at 12.30 in The Square.

Put December 10 in your diary for the official opening of Craftshop na Méar.

and December 16 for our Cois Tine event with the help of our friends in Writers’ Week. Stories and song around the fire from 2.00p.m. Small charge will apply.

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