April 2023
Thirty Years as Listowel’s Saint Patrick

Photo; John Lynch

Photo; Danny Gordon in 1980s

Photo; Mary Cogan 2007
Michael Dowling contributed enormously to Listowel in his lifetime. St. Patrick was just one of his easier roles, which he undertook with enthusiasm. He was an exceptional entrepreneur, a man of vision. He gave unstintingly to every cause he involved himself him, never asking anything for himself. He was a born leader. Listowel owes him a lot.
A Changed and Changing Language

This relic of another age is still intact on a wall in Ballincollig. Young people are puzzled by it. It is clearly a notice prohibiting something but the word bills now has evolved so that this meaning, as in posters or notices, is lost in the mists of time. The sign forbids the attaching of posters to this wall.
Listowel Writers Week 2023

Lucy Caldwell will be in town for Listowel Writers Week 2023 on Sunday June 4.
I haven’t read this yet. It’s in my teetering “to be read” pile. I intend to have it read by the time Lucy Caldwell joins Claire Kilroy for their event at 6.00 on June 4. I loved Kilroy’s All Names have been Changed. I’m looking forward to this event.
A Fact
Winston Churchill superstitiously feared January 24. His father died on that day and he had a morbid premonition that he himself would die on January 24. Churchill did indeed die on January 24th 1965.