Another great Then and Now from Time Travel Kerry
-Shortis bar Ballybunion-
Located in the middle of the village at the corner of Main St. and Cliff Road, it was a shop in the original picture and is a public house called the ‘Bunker bar’ today. It’s great to see that almost all of it’s original exterior plasterwork has survived in good condition.
William Shortis, owner of the shop at the time of the original photograph was also the manager of the Ballybunion station of the famed Lartigue monorail. He died in 1905. The Lartigue closed down in 1924.
The building was built around 1890 with a renovation in the 1930s which included building the pub and changing the facade slightly to accommodate this. The rear extention and dormer roof lights were added in later years. There is a cut-stone plaque on the building inscribed: “To the memory of Lr Patrick Shortis(Son of William)born here in 1895 killed in action in the Easter Rising, Dublin 1916 erected by The No. 7 Kerry Republican Soldiers Memorial Committee 1966′
The houses to the left of the modern picture were also added after the original picture was taken.
(Original photo – Lawrence early 1900s)
(Modern photo April ’15)
Historical ref – Listowel blogspot, Buildings of Ireland)
Church of the Holy Trinity, Adare, Co. Limerick
This is a copy of a Trinity icon by Andrei Rubiev of Moscow. This ancient Russian icon represents the Trinity as three angels. “The church chose this icon as it most fully expresses the dogma of the Holy Trinity; the three angels are depicted in equal dignity, symbolizing the triunity and equality of all three Persons.”
This beautiful church in Adare has an old fashioned look to it. It still has statues, a pulpit and a railed off sanctuary. It has some beautiful stained glass windows but many very plain ones too. Call in and have a look for yourself if you are passing through Adare.
August 28 1987
Photo of The Fleadh committee 1987 in two halves (photo from Betty Stack)
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I found this on the internet. I have no idea of the year referred to but there is clue in that the recruiting agent is Lieut. Charles Friend, His Majesty’s agent for Emigration.
Two postscripts
Adrian McCarron wrote to me about this one. Betty Stack identified most of the people in this photo but Adrian’s name eluded her. So, for the record, the little boy in the blue jumper, third from left in the front row is Adrian McCarron and Adrian reckons the year is 1978 and not 1976 as I stated. He remembers the fleadh in Buncrana in 1976 and this is definitely Listowel.
Adrian, like so many others was delighted to see this old photo and we owe a debt of gratitude to Betty Stack for sharing it. So let me take this opportunity to ask other readers of Listowel Connection to take the time to seek out and share more old photos, a small thing to brighten someone’s day.
Ethel Murphy took the time to email me to tell me that Pearse Street is in fact, William Street. Thereby hangs a tale which I must investigate further.
Hay and Tae in Bromore
On Friday evening, Mike Flahive organized his now annual Hay and Tae festival. This could be called the Meitheal in the Meadow because that is what it is…a group gathered together along Bromore Cliffs to save a meadow of hay the old fashioned way.
Ah, the memories!
The hay in the meadow is cut into swarths, these are long rows of mown hay. Here Mike is gathering the hay into cocks with the wooden tumbling paddy.
There is a huge skill in tumbling this much hay without injuring yourself. I remember my father operating this implement but then he also had a horse to control. This way the tractor can stop dead still and there is no fear from that quarter.
This is an old fashion wynnd.
This is a new one! Spectators on chairs! In my young day there were no spectators in a meadow. Everyone had a job to do.
What a lovely setting for an evening of haymaking.
The man on top of the wynnd had a very hard job to do because he had to distribute the hay evenly to give the wynnd its cone shape.
Once the wynnd is made the man on top is helped down.
The loose bits of hay are raked down. later these bits will be made into another wynnd.
Every farm has to have a young fellow on a tractor. Looks like this young lad wasn’t even born when this tractor first saw the light of day.
Ah, tea in the meadow, the taste of yesterdays.
(photos; Ballybunion Prints, Beautiful setting ,hay and tae; Bromore Cliffs)
What a beautiful setting for such a simple yet great event. Well done all!