Tarbert’s Swanky Bar

I looked up the adjective swanky in the online dictionary. It said it meant stylishly luxurious and expensive. US.  also swank very expensive and fashionable, in a way that is intended to attract people’s attention and admiration: We stayed in a swanky hotel.

I’ll have to leave it to its patrons to decide if Tarbert’s hostelry fits the bill. It was closed the day I visited.


Beautiful Historic Tarbert

Tarbert is located a mere hop, skip and jump from Listowel but it is a town I only always seem to see in passing. I corrected that error recently and I visited on a Sunday morning. I discovered that Tarbert is lovely.

I parked by the bridewell which was, on this Sunday, hosting an indoor car boot sale. I don’t know why it was called a car boot sale as no  one I saw was selling from a car boot.

The bridewell is not the only old building which Tarbert has preserved.

I was struck by Tarbert’s awareness of its rich history and I saw the work of the local historical society everywhere I turned.


Commemorating a Painful Past

This colourful corner is dedicated to the memories of men who died for an ideal and for the young victims of a local tragedy in 1893. Here too is a seat dedicated to a local man who was obviously well loved.


Forge Park

Across the road from the flagstaff and memorials is Forge Park. I’m presuming it got its name from the place it is located; probably the site of an old forge.

Among the daisies and clovers in a wild meadow setting are these carved trees….intriguing.

This little bridge leads to a short riverside walk that brings you back to the Bridewell.

Looking the other way along the well kept path you can see the national flag and the 1916 memorial.

 The seating in the little park is semicircular and sheltered. I sat for a minute to enjoy the birdsong and the peace in this little oasis of calm.

On this seat too another of Tarbert’s citizens is honoured.

The wooden cart wheel with its steel bands a reminder of the work that went on here long ago.

This weekend is the perfect time to visit Tarbert. The annual summer festival starts tomorrow Friday July 21 2017. Find out what’s on HERE


O’Connell’s Avenue, Listowel

This old telephone exchange building is an ugly mass at the end of this picture perfect street.

Feale Drive from O’Connell’s Avenue

O’Connell’s Avenue

The Marian Grotto always looks beautiful. It is a credit to the local residents who look after it.


Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven

I think this packet of sewing needles is in my possession for over 50 years. It certainly belongs to the days when my eyesight was better and my hand steadier. The eyes on these little blighters are tiny. And what on earth has Flora MacDonald to do with them?


Game of Thrones….the Listowel Connection

 Everyone is talking about Ed. Sheeran’s part in Game of Thrones. But did you know that Seán McGillicuddy had a cameo role in the same episode. Here he is on the the left of the three on the right of Ed. Thank you Gerard Mulvihill for the heads up.