Sunrise at the Cashen, March 2015

(photo: Mike Enright)


More Green Shoots

Refurbishment going on here too


Getting Set for St. Patricks’ Day

If you need a hat in the national colours, drop in to Craftshop na Méar .

Easter chicks and daffodils, it must be spring.

Affordable ceramics and signs proclaiming your love for Listowel make lovely gifts for those visitors coming home for the national holiday.


Counting our blessings

Fr. Pat Moore as he faces into cancer treatment is supported by the love and good wishes of his many friends.  In his blog, he shares this poem by Moya Canon. It is called Introductions.

Some of what we love we stumble upon

A purse of gold thrown on the road

A poem, a friend, a great song.

And more discloses itself to us- 

A well among green hazels,

A nut thicket-

When we are worn out searching for something quite different.

And more comes to us,

Carried as carefully as a bright

Cup of water,

As new bread.’


Great Idea for next weekend

I’m going to  Kanturk Arts Festival 2015 next weekend. It promises to be another great event for this very hard working committee.

Most of their events are free.

I’m reading a great novel by Hazel Gaynor called A Memory of Violets. Hazel is the invited author at the Kanturk festival. I’m hoping she will tell us all about the research she did for this book. She is an expert on child flower sellers in Victorian London and the great philanthropist who rescued them and built a home for them.

There is also yoga, an animation class, a photography workshop and a poetry slam.