This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Michael OMuircheartaigh

Remembering, an anniversary poem, Convent Cross and Halloween at Kerry Writers’ Museum

Trees in John Paul 2 cemetery


Poem from Richard Moriarty on a wedding anniversary


Just thinking back on yesteryear and how it used to be

When love was new to me and you, and life a mystery

How I’ve cherished all these special years, since we first said “I do”

Just like a dream, or it would seem, with someone as dear as you

I wander back to when first we met, we’d walk down by the strand

We’d kiss each other on the cheek and hold each other’s hand

How we strolled along the boardwalk and gazed out on the sea

Those endless days of happiness, the way ‘twas meant to be

Together all the things we’ve done, and all the things we’ve seen

The little gifts that we have shared and the places we have been

Those simple times like holding hands, when all the world seemed still

Or saying such things as “I love you” and I know I always will

And there were times when I felt down and life seemed all so grey

But you were there to show you cared, with a gentle word to say

And when things went wrong, as they sometimes do, and woe was all about

You’d smile and say

“Don’t worry now, this too we will work out”

All through these years of joy and tears, you’ve been a friend to me

A union blessed, at God’s behest, for all the world to see

And in years to come, on that special day, just like we’ve done before

We’ll hold each other in our arms and say it just once more

You bring me joy this very day as you have for all these years

We’ll kiss each other on the cheek while holding back the tears

Again we’ll stroll down by the strand, we’ll gaze out on the sea

And with love we’ll share some other care,

And another ANNIVERSARY.

Richard G. Moriarty

Richard now lives in San Diego, California but he hails from Lisselton.


At Convent Cross

The postbox is Elizabethan.


Thinking Ahead to Halloween

Dare to enter the Haunted Writers’ House at the Kerry Writers’ Museum, Listowel this Halloween where ghosts & ghouls lurk around every corner. Follow the haunted trail and find the clues hidden within. A thrilling, heart-stopping, fun-filled experience the whole family will enjoy.

Open daily from October 31st to November 2nd from 3 to 6 pm. Tours every half hour.

Suitable for children age 6 to 10 years.


Molly was back

Molly came to Listowel with her forever family for the weekend. She has grown up a bit and matured …a bit.


Positive Ageing

If there is a better depiction of active ageing, I haven’t seen it.

Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh abseiling…….photo from Twitter

Bealtaine event at Listowel Writers Week 17 and a traditional signwriter paints a sign

Everything  to Play For

Bealtaine is the title given to events during May, celebrating age and creativity.  Every year activities and celebrations are held all over  the country highlighting life long creativity.

This year Listowel’s Bealtaine event was held during Listowel Writers’ Week 2017. Poets, singers, musicians and sports stars and commentators were gathered in the ballroom of The Listowel Arms for what proved to be a great event.

It wasn’t all old people at all. Catherine Moylan who introduced the event and John MacAulliffe who facilitated it are mere whippersnappers. The poets and musicians are in their prime and the great Micheál O Muircheartaigh who was the oldest contributor is the most youthful octogenarian in Ireland.

The theme was sport and people read from the book, Everything to Play for. This book was the basis for this event and I’d recommend it. It’s a great book to dip in and out of. Many of the poems are short and pithy.

On the stage Michael O Muircheartaigh, Luka Bloom, Tony Ward, Enda Wiley and Elaine Feeney

In the audience Eamon O Muchú and Karen Trench.

Billy Keane was among women.

Luka Bloom, Micheal O Muircheartaigh and Gabriel Fitzmaurice

Tony Ward who is not a poet was in the poets’ corner with Enda Wiley, who read a great poem entitled Ryan Giggs is a Ride. Not all the poems were actually about sport. They just had a sporting connection. Elaine Feeney is next to John MacAulliffe.

Catherine Moylan of Writers’ Week introducing the event.

Tony Ward reminisced about playing and commentating.

Luka Bloom is from Kildare. He did not have as many successes as Gabriel Fitzmaurice to sing about. He did tell us a little known fact. Sonia O’Sullivan is half Kildare. He was for claiming the half that can run. He sang a song that has become a sports anthem, The Fields of Athenry. He sang it as it should be sung, with emotion.

Micheál took a risk and recited a poem in praise of a Cork man, the great Christy Ring.

Come gather round me boys tonight and lift your glasses high,

Come Rockies, Barrs and Rovers stars, let welcome hit the sky.

Let bonfires blaze in heroes praise. Let Shandon echoes fling,

For homeward bound with hurling’s crown, comes gallant Christy Ring….

Bryan MacMahon

Gabriel Fitzmaurice went one better and sang a ballad about a local Moyvane victory. It is the convention in such ballads to name every player on the team and so he did.

I thoroughly enjoyed this event.


Martin Chute, Signwriter at work


Saturday’s Eucharistic Procession

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