This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: O’Connor’s Pharmacy

Ballybunion, Listowel Writers week 2018 and shopfronts

Nuns’ Beach, Ballybunion May 2019


Friends of the Pollinators

In Ballybunion


Listowel Writers’ Week 2018

Opening Night 2019 is on Wednesday May 29 in The Listowel Arms. We had a great time last year. Here are a few photos to remind you.



Can anyone tell me where this is and why is it called Moneycashen?


Oh Dear!

Listowel shopfronts are some of the finest in the land. Country towns are losing out to plastic signs and chain store shop fronts. Listowel stood out with its beautiful Pat McAuliffe plasterwork, its stunning paintwork and beautiful woodwork and mosaic…. I greatly fear that we are losing this unique feature.



J.J. Galvin beautiful mosaic and woodwork shopfront.

The Taelane Store, understated elegance.

The Square, some shops and an illustrious citizen is honoured in 1886

The Square is looking particularly beautiful these days.


A Change of colour for O’Connor’s

O’Connor’s in Market Street looks completely different with its new paint job. Refurbishment work to the interior of the shop is also underway.

Further back Market Street a new Ladies clothes shop has opened. Even though the sign over the door hadn’t been painted when I photographed it, I am reliably informed it’s to be called Blossom.

Meanwhile back on Church Street………..

I am presuming that this name sign is temporary and that this shop facade will be restored to its former glory when this shop eventually opens.


Something old

Kerry Sentinel  Tuesday, October 05, 1886



Last night a large and influential public meeting of the inhabitants
of the town was held in the Town Commissioners Room, for the purpose of
presenting an address to Mr. M. J. Flavin, on the occasion of his departure from
his native town, to Bismark Dacota, America. It may be mentioned that Mr.
Flavin while acting hon. secretary to the Listowel Branch of the Irish National
League, gained for himself the goodwill and confidence of every member of that
body, and I may state that this good feeling was not confined to the National
League, for even persons whose principals were entirely antagonistic to those
held by members of that organisation  hold him in the highest estimation,
and gave him credit for the honesty of his convictions. In fact Mr. Flavin’s
upright and straightforward action since the first day he identified himself
with the National Cause, for which he worked untiringly, was recognized by
every person, and now redounds immortally to his credit.

Amongst those present were — Messrs
P. D. Griffin, J. Enright, T.C. ; J. P. Enright, J. Tracy, T.C. ; M. Kirby,
T.C. ; P. Hennessy, M. Hannan, J. Tackaberry, J. O’Sullivan, T Collins, J. A.
O’Sullivan, D. Loughnane, P. J Houlihan, D. Lyons, J. H. O’Sullivan, J. J. Keane,
J. W. Canty, V.S. ; C. Moran, N Scollard, T.C. ; T . Keane, J. J. Dillane, J.
Horgan, and T. Brosnan.

On Mr. M. J. Flavin entering the
room he was received with loud applause.

On the motion of Mr. P. D. Griffin,
which was seconded by Mr. P. J. Houlihan, the chair was taken by Mr. J. Troy,
T.C. The Chairman said, he supposed they were all aware what they were
assembled for ; they were there for the purpose of presenting Mr, Flavin with
an address, and to wish him success in his voyage across the Atlantic (hear,
hear). It was needless for him to tell those present what Mr. Flavin did for
the National Cause, as they were all perfectly aware of his efficiency while he
was acting as honorary secretary to the local branch of the Irish National
League (hear, hear). He had done everything and earned nothing by it (hear,

Mr. Scollard, T.C.—We are only sorry he is parting from us at such an
early day.

Mr. Griffin—Gentlemen, it gives me
great pleasure to be called upon to read this address to Mr. Flavin, and I
believe it is very few young men of his age ever deserved better the good wishes
of his fellow-townsmen than Mr. Flavin (hear, hear).

The following is the address :—

undersigned inhabitants of this town, and members of the Irish National League,
are of opinion that we would be shirking the duty that should devolve upon all
lovers of justice and impartiality if we were to allow the occasion of your
departure from amongst us without testifying to the high esteem in which you
have been justly held by your fellow-townsmen, and we are perfectly satisfied
we can speak for the county also on this occasion. 

For years while honorary
secretary to our branch of the Irish National League you have discharged the
duties of your office with an amount of impartiality and tact, that gained for
you that favour even of your opponents in politics. Fully alive to the onerous
duties often imposed on you, it appeared no trouble to you to cope with the
most trying difficulties in connection with your position. In your private as
well as in your commercial capacity you were kind and courteous, always ready
to act a friend and give kind advice. On the whole we believe you fully worthy
of this, the only means we have of our recognition of your worth in the past. 

 Wishing you a hearty God speed in your journey to the far West, where we hope
your future undertakings will be crowned with all the success and happiness
which make life dear, we beg to subscribe ourselves faithfully and truly

[Here followed the names of
subscribers which were too numerous for publication].

Mr. M. J. Flavin—Mr. Chairman, and
gentlemen, I return you my sincere thanks for the high honor which you have
conferred upon me (hear, hear and you’re worthy of it). I may tell you that
this came quite unexpectedly on me, and I can’t express in words to you the
feeling of pleasure with which I accept your address, and I shall ever remember
the kindness of the people of Listowel towards me. In my position as secretary
of the Listowel Branch of the National League, I always found the people
willing to act on my instructions. I shall in the future whether I stay in
America – or at home remember the kindness of the people of Listowel, and I
shall esteem the address which you have been so good to present me with, more
than anything else that could be placed in my hands. 

Loud cheers were then raised, and
repeated for Mr. Flavin, after which the meeting terminated.

Mr. Flavin on leaving next morning
by the eight o’clock train was played to the railway station by the National
Brass Band, and a large concourse of people who cheered, him loudly.


The answer is Kathleen Watkins. What is the question?

(from this week’s Kerry’s Eye)

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