William Street, Listowel
Pat Nolan’s, Charles St.
St. Patrick’s Day 2019
A Patient Dog at Lidl, Listowel
Caught on Camera
I was snapped taking a penalty against Elmo. Thank you Listowel Celtic!
It was Roses Roses all the way
Denis Hegarty was having a whale of a time in New York on St. Patrick’s Day posing with mayors, Roses, gardaí and all
Mr. OShea and Tara who has family in Tralee
Truth is often Stranger than Fiction
Local media this week were all agog about the return to the public library of a book that was overdue by 50 years.
Like all good stories this one is not without an ironic twist. The book was a biography of Andrew Carnegie, the founder of the trust that funded Listowel’s and other libraries around the world. Our library used to be known as The Carnegie Free Library and thanks to funding by the Carnegie trust the library service was free for years and years. Maybe the borrower thought that the books were free too.
Meanwhile in Rattoo on March 17 2019
Just a Thought
My last week’s Thoughts from Radio Kerry are at the link below.