This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Pat Sheedy

Buckfast Tonic Wine, British coins and a bit of Listowel too

Bicycle Stand on Market Street

At Opening Night Listowel Writers’ Week 2024

Local poets, Matt Mooney and Mary MacElligott

Local blogger, me, with writer, Pat Sheedy

Update to my Facts on British Coins

Kathy Reynolds sent us the full story.

Hi Mary

I hope you are well and enjoying better weather than we are in cold wet England. Your blog always gives me my early morning read alongside the Times. Although no expert on coinage and tap & pay is now nearly standard a few outlets still prefer “real money” so I feel I must add a little to today’s fact.

King Charles III became King in September 2022 immediately on his mother’s death but he was crowned on 6 May 2023. 

The first completely redesigned set of coins were issued December 2023 and the flora and fauna design took me back to the Irish coinage of my childhood, particularly the Atlantic salmon on the 50p reminding me of the florin. However a Memorial 50p entered circulation in December 2022, marking the transition from Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III. Also a special 50p coin marking King Charles III’s coronation went into circulation on Thursday, 10th August. Notes entered circulation in June 2024.


Kathy Reynolds


I think they got the message. Breda and Margaret tell me that there has been no postering of litter bins since we highlighted the issue here.


An American wine connoisseur made the mistake of reviewing Buckfast… Here’s their tasting notes:

Buckfast Tonic Wine (No Vintage)

Screw cap, took it off about 30 minutes before to bring in some air. Apparently made by monks in England. Decided to try while cooking dinner. Poured into a glass, first glance has a very inky almost brownish color that you see in older wines. Very syrupy, liquid clings to the side of the glass when swirled. Almost 15% ABV.

Stuck my nose in and was hit with something I’ve never experienced before. Barnyardy funk (in a bad way) almost like a dead animal in a bird’s nest. A mix of flat Coca Cola and caramel with a whiff of gun metal.

On the palate, overwhelming sweetness and sugar. Cherry Cola mixed with Benadryl. Unlike anything I’ve tasted. I’m not sure what this liquid is but it is not wine, I’m actually not sure what it is but it tastes like something a doctor would prescribe. A chemical concoction of the highest degree. Can only compare it to a Four Loko.

Managed to make it through a couple small glasses but not much more. Has absolutely ruined the evening drinking-wise for me as I tried to drink a nice Bordeaux after but the iron-like metallic sweet aftertaste I just couldn’t get out of my mouth even after a few glasses of water. I don’t drink a lot of coffee regularly so I also have mild heart palpitations from the caffeine after just drinking a bit of this and feel a slight migraine.

An ungodly concoction made by seemingly godly men. I believe the Vatican needs to send an exorcist over to Buckfast Abbey as the devil’s works are cleary present there. After tasting this “wine,” the way I feel can only be described as akin to being under a bridge on one’s knees orally pleasing a vagrant while simultaneously drinking liquified meth through a dirty rag.

I’ve drank a lot of wines in my life and will never forget this one.

(I don’t think he liked it!)

Commemorative Seat

On our Friday walk at Writers’ Week we passed by Paddy Fitzgibbon’s memorial.

Fascinating Fact

The words of the nursery rhyme, Mary had a Little Lamb, were the first replayed words in human history through Edison’s playback on June 22 1878.


Art, Memoir and Poetry

River Feale, June 2024

One Hundred to One

The three men on the stage at The Plaza on the Sunday of Listowel Writers’ Week 2024 were Martin Dyar, festival curator, Tom Shortt, director of Prison Education and Pat Sheedy, recovering gambling addict and author.

While half the readers of Listowel were in Kerry Writers Museum for the launch of Autumn Blooms, an anthology of work by local writers, Paddy Gavin, Cyril Kelly and John Fitzgerald, I joined the small audience for Pat Sheedy’s cautionary tale of his life in gambling.

Pat’s story is one of fall and redemption. It tells of the saving power of education for a man who had reached his lowest ebb.

I recommend this book to anyone interested in human nature, who likes a good story well told.

A Poem to Make you Laugh ( or maybe even inspire you)

Listowel, The world Centre of Modern Celtic Art

St Patrick’s Breastplate by Michael O’Connor

Stephen Rynne did a great job marketing Listowel to those of us attending the International Day of Celtic Art. His presentation was recorded. I hope it will be available soon on youtube. It was marvellous.

Small detail of the calligraphy and illumination on this beautiful artwork, now on display in Kerry Writers’ Museum, Listowel.

Just a Thought

A link to my latest contributions to Just a Thought on Radio Kerry

Just a Thought

Back from The Land Down Under

Niamh and Deirdre looking happy to be home to Listowel

A Fact

King Charles 111 is only the second British monarch ever to be featured on banknotes. His mother Queen Elizabeth 11 was the first.


Summer 2024

Path in the park

Local People at The Kingdom County Fair

Jer Kennelly was there with his camera and he sent us these. Jer is the man with the garda, at the other side of the camera for once.

A Superpower Needed

I saw this man for the first time at last year’s Writers’ Week where he was collecting his prize on opening night. He was there on release from prison and he and his warder who accompanied him left me with a lasting memory of a great acceptance speech, one of my highlights of Listowel Writers’ Week 2023.

He is back, reading from his book, telling the story of his awful disease, gambling addiction, on Sunday June 2 at 1.00. I have read Sheedy’s book and it is a frightening account of the highs and lows and the terrible heartache of addiction. With alcoholism there is only so much a person can drink before passing out. With gambling, a gambler can lose everything in a matter of seconds. It is a frightening story and Pat Sheedy tells it very honestly.

BUT, at exactly the same time as Pat is in the Plaza, Cyril Kelly and friends are launching an anthology of their writing in Kerry Writers’ Museum.

If I were granted a super power for a day, it would have to be bilocation.

Poem I discovered in an old Ballyguiltenane Annual

Strong Tea

My fact about tea reminded Mattie Lennon that John B. Keane wrote a book called Strong Tea. Mattie treasures his copy

A Marvellous Concert

My friends in Listowel Schools Creative hub invited me to their concert in St. John’s on Monday last. It was an extraordinary showcase of the great young talent in North Kerry.

We saw Joan Mulvihill on screen and in the audience. Damien Stack was another of the local people the students interviewed for their project. His wife, Joan was there for the first concert.

Music, singing and dancing were a big part of the show. Their music and dance teachers, Katie McNamara and Jimmy Hickey were on hand to support and perform.

Katie Lucey, Katherina Broderick and Julieanne Galvin were on hand to keep the show on the road.

A fact

On this day, May 22 in 2015 Hollywood actor Dwayne Johnson set a Guinness World Record for the most selfies taken in three minutes. He took 105 selfies on the red carpet at the world premiere of his new film San Andreas.


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