Listowel Garda Station in November 2021


The Master

an essay by Cyril Kelly


Homeward Bound

A nun walks home to the convent in 2007. A lot has changed.


A Listowel Fact

Lord Listowel visited the town in 1814 and he handed over sites for two churches, one Catholic and the other Church of Ireland. Both were built almost ten years later. St. Mary’s was built in 1829. The spire and porch were added in 1865. Initially the congregation stood during mass as there were no pews. The seats were added and side aisles built in 1910.


Pixie has made a Calendar

If you’re looking for a gift idea for a Covid bound emigrant, this could be the answer to your prayers.

Pixie will deliver or drop for you to collect if you are local.

You can contact him with your order at the email address below.


Santa at McKenna’s in 1959

Were you one of the lucky children who visited Santa in Listowel in 1959?

Kathy Reynolds has put a lovely collection of Santa photos from that occasion up on line. The link is here;

If you recognise yourself or someone you know please email Kathy. The photos are numbered and you can give her the number and the names of the people in the photo. Kathy’s email address is on the video. She asks that you respect copyright.

Santa in McKenna’s in 2021


Another Change on Church Street
