This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: The Irish Pub


Regular visitors to this blog will be familiar with beautiful photographs of Bromore Cliffs. These photos are posted on Facebook by Mike Flahive. Recently I decided to visit this beauty spot for myself.

Mike Flahive

Mike’s herd of Kerry cows.

Brambles and blackberries were everywhere.

The walk is short and compact. It is well signposted. There are some spectacular coastal features to be seen. The day we chose was dull and overcast but I think that Bromore must be a piece of heaven on a clear day.

My friend, Marie getting up close and personal with Mike’s friendly horse.


Old Dublin tram sign

Dublin Trams used symbols to indicate routes. This was to help the many Dubliners who could not read. (


This is a scene from John B’s as featured in the new film, The Irish Pub.

Duagh reunion and Currans of Dingle

Do you remember this, the glass bottle, the crinkly paper, the gold foil covering the cap? 

I’m feeling better already.

That was then; This is now


A very enjoyable Gathering event was held in Duagh during the summer. Here are two of the many old photos that were put on display during the weekend. 


Have you noticed how cafes have all gradually become tea-rooms? I must say I like the nostalgic feel to this move. The teddy bear sitting outside Lawler’s in the early autumn sunshine added a further touch of old world charm to this refurbishment.


Pictures of a pub with a Listowel connection

James Curran
John Curran

J. Curran’s pub in Dingle is virtually unchanged since the 1930s and 40s.  The owners resisted all the lure of the early plastic era and the fake charm of the retro period in pub furnishing and have kept it just as it was with all its genuine charm. I’m told they also have the essentials right and serve one of the best pints in Kerry. The pub cum shop first opened its doors in 1871 and was the place where Peig Sayers found employment when she spent her first “tréimhse in aimsir”. She describes her time there very fondly in her autobiography. Her memories of Currans and the Curran family were among her few happy recollections of her working life.

The photographs were taken from the facebook page of The Irish Pub film. The film will be in cinemas from October 4.

I try to keep everything the same as it was, that’s one of my traditions. Keep things as they were. There’s enough of things changing in the world”

One of the publicans you will meet in the film is James Curran of Curran’s pub in 

Dingle, Co. Kerry”

The charming trailer for the film is here

I can’t wait to see the full thing. It’s a treasure, a glimpse at a vanishing Ireland.

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