This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Tony OCallaghan


Painted utility boxes in Ballincollig. I love this idea.

Fitzpatrick’s Of Kanturk

Denis Fitzpatrick of Kanturk was a very successful businessman. In the 1960s he had three grocery shops, a bakery and confectionary and an ice cream factory.

Someone sent me this pennant photographed outside a shop in Cork in the 1950s. I have no idea why it was cream ices instead of ice creams.

Date for the Diary

Helping me Collect my Books

Paul, Eileen, Alice and Bridget having a first read of my book in Listowel Printing Works in Tannavalla on Friday, September 6 2024.

Listowel Printing Works is now in its busiest season of the year as they embark on the mammoth task of printing thousands of Christmas cards for schools all around the country.

These very popular cards featuring the children’s artwork are bought and treasured by most of Ireland’s schools. Designing and printing them, packaging and dispatch is a huge task for which Listowel Printing Works employs up to 50 extra staff and the facility works flat out.

A Tony O’Callaghan Bronze

I thought that this plaque might be something to do with Writers Week. I was wrong. While O’Callaghan specialised in bespoke commissions, this is not one of them. Apparently he reproduced this one several times. The names in the book are the names of lots of writers, several of whom were dead before Writers’ Week came about.

Thanks to Vincent Carmody for clearing that one up.


A Fact

A fingernail or toenail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip.


Art and Books

Back Lane behind Church Street in Summer 2023


Dancing Down the Years

Photo and text from Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan


The dance tradition of North Kerry has extended its influence far beyond its borders, to different places around Ireland, across Europe, and over the Atlantic to America.

Dance has been part of the culture in this region for centuries, passed down through the generations by the Dance Masters, like O’Ceirín in the 1700’s to Mooreen, Ned Batt Walsh, and to the great Geramiah Molyneaux, affectionally known as Munnix, who passed on the dance, to the young girls and boys, of the area.

The Dance masters travelled, often on foot, from town to town, village to village, 

such was their love of, and desire to pass on their art to the younger generation.

Munnix pupils like Jack Lyons, Jerry Nolan, Sheila Bowler, Liam Dineen, Liam Tarrant, Paddy White, Phil Cahill and many more would perform the old steps with great pride.

Long live the dancers! Long live the dance! 

Featuring Dance Master Jimmy Hickey, Musician Greta Curtin.

Devised and choreographed by Jonathan Kelliher, Artistic Director, Siamsa Tíre, The National Folk Theatre of Ireland.


Celtic Artist, Tony O’Callaghan

When your grandad is an artist, you are lucky enough to have some marvellous bespoke piece of his work made especially for you and celebrating your name.

Few nameplates are as beautiful as these pieces that Miriam brought to share with the audience on July 6 2023.

Tony O’Callaghan, among many of the prestigious commissions he did, designed the logo for Listowel Writers’ Week.

This information comes to us from Wolfgang Mertens’ 1974 LWW memorabilia.



My latest summer visitor, Aoife McKenna, from Kildare loves, loves, loves Listowel library.


A Smile from the Internet


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