This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: verbs

When we read Bunty

Lower William Street, October 2024

Simpler Times

People, well, women anyway, of a certain age will remember this activity well. You cut everything out very carefully…not the good scissors, the one for paper. You glued Bunty to a piece of cardboard….a Cornflakes’ box was ideal, not too stiff to cut but stiff enough to stand up. Then wrapping the little paper tabs around her, you dressed Bunty. Hours of fun!

A Talk on Women’s Health

Shelagh Griffin organised and Katie Condon delivered a great talk on women’s health in Listowel Family Resource Centre on Tuesday last. Shelagh promises in future to alert me to similar events so that I can tell you before, rather than after the event.

Important tip from An Garda Siochána

Your IMEI number is the unique identifier of your mobile phone. Follow the easy instructions below to keep this number safe. It will make the job of finding it easier if your phone is ever lost or stolen.

Disappearing Verbs

If you remember anything about grammar you will remember that a verb is an action word and a noun is a naming word. Not so any more it would seem.

One doesn’t win a medal any more. One medals.

One doesn’t score a goal. One goals.

One doesn’t sit on the bench. One is benched or even sidelined.

We don’t put a question on the table. We table a question.

You don’t go on holiday, you holiday.

The list goes on.

Look what I bought in the Vincent de Paul shop

Prepare to be mesmerised.

From the Archives


Taranaki Daily News 8 January 1920

FURTHER OUTRAGES. By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright. London, Jan. 5. Constable Clarke, while walking in a street at Ballylongford, was shot from behind a wall, 150 pellets lodging in his neck and shoulders. His condition is critical. A number of men waylaid a police patrol who were protecting a loyal farmer in North Clare. A brisk exchange of shots followed, one constable being wounded. His comrades, using grenades, routed their assailants. This is the first time grenades have been used. Military aeroplanes are patrolling throughout Ireland, particularly in the neighbourhood of Carrigtohill, to prevent further assemblies that might lead to a recurrence of outrages. The police in Cork visited prominent Sinn Feiners and interrogated them, regarding their movements on Saturday. Sinn Feiners are contesting all the 80 seats in the Dublin Corporation elections—Aus.-N.Z. Cable Assn.

Hospice Coffee Morning

A few photos of people who attended the best coffee morning ever in The Listowel Arms on Thursday October 17 2024

A Fact

With 980 known species bats make up 23 per cent of all known mammals by species.


Christmas in Listowel, Christy Ring remembered, laying the gas pipeline, a colourful ancestor and Christmas windows

Listowel Castle by John Kelliher.


McKenna’s Christmas Shop


A Correspondent with a Very Interesting Ancestor

God only knows what you will come across if you go delving in the family history. This lady who wrote to me recently sure found a fascinating relative among her ancestors.

I’m descended from a convict Edmund Elliott who was convicted for crimes against the English.  He was a dance master and a senior Whiteboy .  He was given a life sentence at the Kerry assize in the early 1920’2 and sent to Australia on the Brampton.  Apparently he was caught leading a raid on the house of the person who had employed him to perform for some local function.  His family had a long connection with Kerry and in particular Listowel.  His ancestors were part of the Roger McElliogotet 51st Foote that fought for the King at the Battle of the Boyne .

I’m a retied teacher and am planning to visit Ireland next September.   So far the plan is to go to Cork to see  where the paternal  line of O’Keeffe/Cotter came from and then on to Shanagolden and Listowel for the Elliott and lastly to Raheen in Clare to visit the home of the Bradys’.

My cousin sent me your blog because at present we are fossicking about in the Boyne to discover if Valentine and Thomas Elliott did porridge with Roger McElliogotte in the Tower.  Unfortunately, I think our generations have become somewhat anaemic when compared to the exploits of our ancestors.

Roz Scharf


A Cork tribute to Christy Ring


A Poem for today

A bugbear of mine is making nouns into verbs. People dont look anything up anymore.

They google it. People don’t insult you anymore they troll you. 

My own family have a word for what I do, it’s awfulising. So we are in the era of nouns as verbs. Here is a poem from someone who shares my dread of this new phenomenon.


That’s Gas

The big yellow thing in the foreground is the new gas pipe. Below is the park as it is nowadays.


Listowel’s North Pole Express

Listowel is pulling out all the stops this year to make sure the the children have a memorable Santa experience.  Click the link below to read all about it.

Listowel’s North Pole Express

Many of the businesses in town are getting behind the venture and the train themed Christmas windows are a big talking point in town these days.

My favourite is Finesse, which is the work of Listowel’s best window dresser, Cora O’Brien

Chic window features a replica Lartigue Monorail

Broderick’s Pharmacy features a brick built train.

Isn’t Listowel Veterinary Centre’s window splendid?

Hartnett’s Pharmacy


more windows tomorrow

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