St. Patrick’s Day 2025
A Class at the Convent Door

Margaret Kennedy sent us this lovely photo. The best part is that she can remember all the names.
6th class primary presentation convent Listowel
Front L-R Kay Dillon, Clem Crowley, Geraldine Kenny Ann McAulliffe Cora and Marie Stack, Theresa Conway, Maura Walsh, Bernadette Canty Mary Connor, Margaret Doyle, Mai Cahill, Sinead Curtin R.I.P
Middle Row L-R Kathy Ryan, Mary O Flaherty, Isabel O Dowd, Margo Kennedy R.I.P, Therese Lenihan Brenda O Halloran, Eileen Kennelly Kathleen Curtin, Ann Rossiter, Marita O Connor, Caroline Finucane, Sinead Barrett, Geraldine Walsh
Back Row L-R Kay Healy, Beata Sweeney, Linda Carey, Cathriona OGorman, Sr Carmel, Lucy Bambury, Miriam Hilliard, Miriam Walsh R.I.P, Ann McElligott, Elle Marie Gibbons, Mary Jo Hartnett, Kathleen Walsh, Dorothy Guinea
Sometimes Life is Hard
My granddaughter loves football.

She is fourth from the right in front in this photo with her U14 Cork squad on Saturday March 15 2025. Their season is just starting.

She is front and centre, with the headband, with her Lakewood soccer team, photographed before the quarter final of The National Cup on Sunday, March 16 2025.

The game was played at home in Lakewood.

The Lakewood girls went on to win. This is the usual ceremony at the end where everyone congratulates everyone else.

This is Cora, half way through the second half being carried off injured by her mom and her coach.
Cora has sustained a full MCL tear. It’s like an ACL only a different ligament. It is horrendously painful. Her knee is in a brace and she is on crutches because she can take no weight on her leg. Next week she will see the consultant who specialises in knees to see if she needs surgery.
St Patrick’s Day Parade 2025

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A Fact

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