Market Street in August 2023
Recipe for Failure from Mattie Lennon
Have you ever asked yourself the question “What kind of people will not succeed in Life?”
If so, here is the answer from a Harvard Professor.
Have you ever asked yourself the question “What kind of people will not succeed in Life?”
If so, here is the answer from a Harvard Professor.
- People who don’t have social connections.
- People who are academically smart, but have low emotional intelligence.
- People who are not willing to fail.
- People who won’t let go of their ego.
- People who are not willing to leave the past behind, cut it off, and move on.
- People who are friends with negative people that constantly bring them down because “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
- “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
- “Those who have a why to live, can bear with almost any how.” If you don’t have a why, game over.
August Visitors
My latest visitors had to sing for their supper. Killian and Cora came to help me clear out my shed. Their sisters and brother were otherwise occupied and couldn’t come this time. The first picture is in Lizzie’s.
I fed them well as they were working hard.

Killian filling the skip bag

Cora doing a spot of painting
It wasn’t all work and no play… There were lots of card games.

I like Phase 10. I didn’t win though.

Gin Rummy

Cora is a dinger at pelmanism

We visited the Kanturk cousins.
A Night Out

Guess where we were for our family night out on August Bank Holiday Weekend.

We were at the dogs, but not in The Kingdom this time but in Curaheen because that is where Killian has his summer job.

His brother and cousins got a great kick out of being served by him. He was thoroughly professional, no favours!


Margaret Murphy.
Thank you for daily blog Mary.