R.I.P. Fr. George

When I visit the Cork branch of the family the nearest church is St. Mary and St. John’s in Station Road, Ballincollig.

Behind the church there is a churchyard where many of the priests who ministered there are laid to rest.

In front of the church there are more ostentatious Celtic Cross headstones

Fr. George O’Mahony was the most recent parish priest to die. I encountered him at family christenings and communions. He was a gentle man and much loved. His gravestone is an exact replica of four of his predecessors

The parishioners have put a seat to his memory in front of the church.

It is a fitting memorial to a man who served the parish with humility and diligence. Go ndéana Dia trócaire ar a shearbhónta dilis.
The Bard of Brandon and Listowel Food Fair

Ted Creedon was recently given the honour of the title Bard of Brandon. His poem was a humorous one about Listowel’s first food fair. The Kerryman, when covering the story, included the above few verses from the winning poem.
In Lizzie’s Little Kitchen
North Cork visitors to North Kerry last weekend took the opportunity to sample Lizzie’s fare. The TV chef was generous with her time and only too willing to talk food. These ladies have a fair bit of food knowledge between them as well.

Last week we remembered Dromcollogher’s darkest hour, September 5 1926.

Before the horrific tragedy that took the lives of 48 people the town’s main claim to fame was the Percy French song which wrongly claimed that there was only one street in Dromcollogher.
Kathleen Griffin was in Drom in September 18 2019. She sent us this photo.

Saturday’s best photo

Jonathan Sexton celebrates with his family after Ireland’s victory over France on Saturday Feb.11 2023.