A Postbox

The post box at the corner of Church Street was still out of service last time I was in that part of town.

Mike Hannon shared this old picture of Bryan MacMahon with the very same postbox.
Listowel Cinemas

Tom McElligott and his committee are working hard to save the Classic Movieplex. They have set up a Go Fund Me page.
To realise the dream they need 100,000 euros

Tom sent me this old poster that was sent to him by a great grandson of Michael J. Tighe.
It is from 1925.

Once upon a time there were at least 4 cinema in Listowel. I dont know which one was The Stella.
There was a cinema in the Plaza, one where Quill’s North County is now, one in Tae Lane and one where the Classic was.
Won’t be Long Now

Catherine Moylan, Chair of Listowel Writers’ Week, is looking forward to standing at the podium in person to open this year’s festival.
The 2022 festival will be officially opened by Dominic West.

Writers’ Week 2022 will run from June 1 to June 5
From the Pres. Yearbook 2002/03

Little Known Fact

If Holly (Ilex aquifolium) finds its leaves are being nibbled by deer, it switches genes on to make them spiky when they regrow. So on taller Holly trees, the upper leaves (which are out of reach) have smooth edges, while the lower leaves are prickly