This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Danny’s at Halloween, Griffins and The Dandy Lodge

This is definitely one of my favourite of Éamon ÓMurchú ‘s photographs. He took this magical image in Cloughleah in Co. Wicklow


Danny’s Halloween Window

Main Street, Listowel, Halloween 2021


Lovely paint job at Griffins of William Street

Beautiful sign by Mr. Signs’ himself, Martin Chute.


A Piece of Dandy Lodge History from Barry O’Halloran

Dandy Lodge under reconstruction in Childers Park in 1995.

Below is the letter to potential sponsors of the project.

Barry O’Halloran’s late father, Tom, was the Hon. Sec. of the restoration committee. Barry sent us this.

It looks like our letter writers may have taken a few liberties with historical accuracy. It looks like the titles, groom and lady-in waiting may be a bit of an embellishment of their true status. On his marriage cert and on his death cert, Mr. Whelan’s occupation is given as a slater and Mrs. Whelan’s as wife of slater.

It would also appear that there was no riding accident. Mrs. Whelan passed away tragically at the age of 21 due to complications following delivery of a baby girl. That girl, Lillie, was taken in and raised in the home of her maternal grandparents, Hugh Jones and his wife of Charles Street.

Thanks to Kay Caball and Dave O’Sullivan for the research.

Kay thinks that the Dandy Lodge was just an ordinary house or lodge on the Bridge Road (or Babies’ Wood as it was known then) and had nothing to do with Gurtenard House, Lord Listowel or his agents. Lord Listowel’s tolls were collected nearer to town at the Custom Gap at the top of Canon’s Height. Kay feels that it would seem more likely that if there were to be a gate lodge it would have been at the gate of Gurtenard House.

Remember that saying about never letting the truth get in the way of a good story.

There they are, as promised, the names of the kind donors who contributed at least £50 to the Dandy Lodge Restoration Project in the 1990’s. The account of their generosity is preserved forever in a bronze sponsors’ board with names engraved by Tony O’Callaghan.

I hope you can read them.

Dandy Lodge now


Tragic Letter

(From Tragedies of Kerry 1922 – 1923 by Dorothy Macardle)

His final request “Dont let anyone do anything” is a plea that there be no reprisals.

The siege of the caves is a reference to Clashmealcon. James McEnery was one of the men executed as a result of that tragic siege. The priest brother to whom he is writing this letter came from England in the days following the capture of the survivors of Clashmealcon to beg for mercy for his brother.



St. Michael’s, Tragic Death of John Linnane in 1923 and Baby Shark; Lifesaver


Ballygologue Cross, Outdoor Dining in The Square and Orators and their Hearers

1 Comment

  1. Aisling

    So informative as always. You blog is always so interesting Mary.

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