Flowers at the courthouse in August 2023
The Last Picture Show

The posters are faded now. The memories remain.
Uh, Oh!

This junction is no longer a roundabout. It has traffic lights now. The roundabout sign has now been removed. The junction is taking a while to get used to.
Another Concert
Kerry Evening Post, Wednesday, 04 January, 1899; Page: 3
Arrangements are being made for the holding of a grand evening concert of vocal and instrumental music in the hall of the Total Abstinence Society, Listowel, on Wednesday next, in aid of the funds of this very deserving organization.
The work of organizing the entertainment was entrusted to the Rev P Courtney, the respected President of the Society, who has been most successful in his energetic efforts. He has been fortunate not only in procuring the services of the most talented of local artistes, but also in enlisting the invaluable assistance of Mr Willie Lee and other distinguished vocalists of equal merit.
The idea has been to make the concert the most successful ever held in Listowel from an artistic point of view, and having regard to the material at his disposal there is no reason to fear that Father Courtney will not be entirely successful in his ambitious exertions on behalf of the Society over which he so worthily presides.
The Primary Cert

This certificate of a man called Seán OConghaile was shared by his grandson online. This man, like so many others finished his education with his Primary exam in 1939. He emigrated to the US in 1948.
Good Advice in Verse

Today’s Fact
A lion’s roar is, like an adult human’s voice, unique to the individual. The roar is used to warn off intruders and to gather together scattered members of the flock. An adult lion’s roar can be heard as far away as 5 miles.
A Tribulation of Blogging

This is my statistics page for Listowel Connection. It shows that on weekdays I have usually between 500 and 1000 page views.

Yesterday at 5.00 pm I had 2996 page views. Danger here.
The last time this happened the blog was unavailable for 24 hours. It means that Listowel Connection is under attack from bots. When the server spots this suspicious activity it shuts down the page (a denial of service) and I get a message telling me that I can’t access the page for now. If this happens we will be off air until the coast is clear again.
Sorry folks. If this happens there is nothing I can do about it. You won’t need to tell me either. I’ll know!