Chris Grayson’s photo of a robin in The National Park, Killarney

Milk Market Lane, Tralee

This unusual lane has a mixture of real shops and facades painted to look like old shops.


Kerry Evening Post, Wednesday, 11 July, 1855


Some of the deserters from the Kerry Regiment have been at length arrested, and will be tried by district court martial this week.; The hiding places of several others have become known to the regimental authorities. This will, we hope, check the practice of desertion, which had grown in two or three weeks to a fearful extent in our county corps.  A recruiting party under the command of a non-commissioned officer, has just been sent to Listowel, there to be stationed till further orders.

Comings and Goings

New Thai eatery for Church Street

Tattoo has ceased trading

Some People at the Launch of Moments of Reflection

Helena and Teresa Molyneaux

Mary McGrath and Cathríona O’Neill

Judy MacMahon

Marie Moriarty

Martin Chute

In the Town Park

I was in Childers’ Park on Sunday taking a few pictures when this lovely lady insisted that I allow her to take my picture. She said that I am always behind the camera. She thought it was time I was in front. Here is her photo;

A Fact

An average person produces about 25,00 quarts of saliva in a lifetime, enough to fill two swimming pools.
