Moyvane, Then and Now
The creamery now and then
Crows on Main St. then and now
from https://moyvane.com
Lixnaw and the Fitzmaurice clan
Kerryman 1957
If you would like to learn more…
Been There, Done That
With all the talk of food shortages if the U.K. crashes out of Europe, I thought it might be timely to look back to a time when there were food shortages in Ireland.
Above is a wartime ration book. Certain foodstuffs and other stuff like fuel were in short supply so the government issued books of coupons to people. Coupons could be exchanged for these rationed goods.
A little known fact is that the health of British children improved during the period when rationing was in force. When I see the list of goods that will be in short supply after a hard Brexit, I think we might see the same unintended consequence.
Another fact that is not widely known is that food was also rationed in Germany. This poster from 1916 illustrates, in cartoon form, the range of foodstuffs rationed there.
Fighting Words
Kate Kennelly, Kerry Co Council Arts Officer, Roddy Doyle and Jimmy Deenihan.
Roddy Doyle was in Kerry Writers’ Museum on Tuesday, September 24 2019 to promote Fighting Words, an organisation that he co founded to promote creative writing among young people. Fighting Words workshops have been running in Listowel since 2017. The workshops are held outside of a school setting, are free of charge and facilitated by adults who are not necessarily teachers. All you need to be a volunteer is a love of stories and a desire to help young people to write them.
If you would like to volunteer, contact Cara at Kerry Writers’ Museum.
Bernie and friends at Fighting Words Launch