Red Stags Photo; Chris Grayson


M.S. Busking 2022

A Busking Day fundraiser for the North Kerry branch of MS Ireland has been a feature of summers in Listowel for well over a decade now.

It was great to see this institution back after the Covid interruption.

Eileen McCarthy was the first I met, stationed at the junction of Church Street and Main Street.

Jimmy Hannon, Denis O’Rourke, Mike Moriarty and John Kinsella were playing when I was there in the morning. Several other singers and groups replaced them throughout a day of great entertainment in the Small Square.

Batt O’Keeffe, Noelle Hegarty, Beatrice Hayes and Bridie O’Rourke were shaking the buckets in the traffic island.

Passing motorists were extremely generous as always.

Barbara Walsh and another band of collectors were positioned at McKenna’s Corner.

In the afternoon an new cohort of musicians, singers and collectors had taken over.

The sun shone. People were in great form. Many many volunteers were generous with their time and talents. The music was of a high standard.

and there was dancing in the streets


People I met

On my way home I met Paul Manning and Jimmy Hannon having a break and a chat.


A Fact

A jiffy is an actual unit of of time. It is 1/100 of a second.
