Bridge Road Listowel
PJ Paints a Picture
One of the more unusual event at 2017’s Writers Week was a live painting masterclass with P.J. Lynch. P.J. undertook to paint Ryan Tubridy while an audience looked on and asked questions.
The stage is set and the easel and canvas in place.
PJ is “miked up”.
Jim Dunn introduces his friend and fellow artist, P.J. Lynch.
The model takes his seat and endeavours to sit still.
PJ dons his apron.
Jim confesses to being a bit of a PJ Lynch groupie. He has even kept the Christmas RTE Guide because the cover is a PJ Lynch masterpiece.
Ryan Tubridy is a tough subject tp paint. He does his best to sit still as he sips a cup of tea and PJ gets to grips with his task.
I had to leave to help out at another venue but I later saw on Facebook the finished picture.
Elizabeth Dunn and Eilish Wren admire Ryan’s portrait.
Fr. Pat Moore’s R.I.P. Birthday in Duagh
A Rare Sight Nowadays….A Nun’s Profession
January 21,
Saturday the solemn ceremony of receiving three young ladies into the
Presentation Order took place in the beautiful chapel of the Convent, Listowel.
The young ladies who received the white veil were Miss Bessie O’Sullivan (in
religion Sister Mary Ignatius), daughter of Mr. John O’Sullivan, of
Cahirciveen, and niece of the Very Rev. J. Mahony, P.P., Listowel; Miss Kate
Kennedy (in religion Sister Mary de Sales,) niece to the Rev. Mr. O’Donoghue,
Dingle ; and Miss Ellen Wolfe (in religion Sister Mary Aloysius), daughter of
Mr. Patrick Wolfe, Finuge.
A procession of the holy sisterhood entered the sanctuary,
preceded by the cross-bearer, all having lighted candles, and chanting the
beautiful hymn, ” 0 Gloriosa Virginum
,” which was intoned by the choir. Immediately after came the Right Rev.
Dr. Moriarty, Lord Bishop of the diocese, in full pontificals, attended by Rev.
Mr. Higgins, as his lordship’s chaplain. The other clergy present were—The Very
Rev. M. J. M’Donnell, P.P., V.F. Listowel; Rev. Garrett Roche, P.P., Lixnaw; Revs.
C Murphy and D. Lynch, Listowel ; T. Sheehy, Lixnaw J. O’Connor, P.P.,
Liselton.—Munster News.
Phil Coulter in Moyvane
The Phil Coulter fundraising concert in Moyvane was a great success. John Kelliher took the photographs.