This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Ballybunion Golf Club Page 1 of 2

Ballybunion Lady Captain’s Day 2023

Feale Sculpture in August 2023


Ballybunion Lady Captain’s Dinner

I don’t play golf. Ballybunion golf clubhouse is not where you would usually find me. I know and love this year’s lady captain. Catherine Moylan, whom I regard as one of my family. So I got the golden ticket, an invitation to Catherine Moylan’s Lady Captain’s celebratory dinner and presentation of prizes on August 26 2023.

The dinner was a delicious one. I am assured that the golf was super enjoyable as well with a welcome goody bag at the start and refreshing cocktails at the half way point.

Catherine has joined a prestigious list.

Anne Cogan/ Darby, me and Catherine’s proud parents, Eddie and Helen Moylan at the prosecco reception in the clubhouse.

Norma Mullane, Betty Doolan, and Maria Lyons, just a few of Catherine’s many friends there to support her on her big night.

Catherine with her book club friends

Some golfing family members, uncle Jim Noonan who won the guest prize, aunt Tess Noonan, Mary Noonan and Eddie Moylan. Eddie also played in the golf competition but without success.

Illness including Covid kept a few people away.

Creating a welcoming ambience as we gathered was John McKenna on the piano, always a treat.

Patricia Boyle and Lady President, Norma Browne, with Catherine

The Lady Captain’s prize 2023 was some beautiful jewellery by Claddagh Design. The lucky winner, Josette O’Donnell, was delighted with her prize.

There were lots of prizes, including John Rahm’s balls… balls that Catherine had the foresight to ask him to sign when she met him on a visit to Ballybunion this summer.

Photo from Ballybunion Golf Club on Facebook

It was a great night for chatting and socialising and catching up. It went on late into the night.

I think I’ll forget pickle ball. Golf looks attractive.

Owen Barrett with Catherine

Margaret Scannell and Norma Browne chat with friends after dinner.

Helen shared a laugh about a funny anecdote from the time these two last met at an opera in Dublin.

Nóirín Galvin, Catherine and Anne were in school together.

The Cork, Dublin, Listowel and Tipperary cousins were chatting ’til late.


Drama with a Difference

Seán Moylan was a legend in my neck of the woods. Michael Patric has brought him vividly to life in this one man show which I saw in St. John’s on Sunday August 27th.

Patric was brilliant in the role of Moylan. He also wrote the script. Growing up I had heard of Clonbanin, Moll’s Bridge and other local places where ambushes were set and soldiers were captured. I learned from Patric that it was only their guns and ammunition that the boys were after and usually the soldiers were freed unharmed. The same cannot be said for Republicans captured by the soldiers. It wasn’t always the notorious Black and Tans who did the killing. It was as often as not trained and supposedly disciplined soldiers.

The show is a triumph. Even if you are not from North Cork and even if your mother’s first cousin is not one of the Men of the South you will enjoy this performance from an actor at the top of his game. If you get a chance to see it, grab that chance. You won’t regret it.


What a Picture!

Philip O’Carroll has very generously opened his photograph album for us. This precious photo below was taken in 1951, according to Philip the only occasion on which all the O’Carrolls were together.

Philip has named the people in the photo for us.

The year is 1951, the only time that the O’Carroll Clan was ever assembled in one place.So, let me name the family starting from right to left:

Philip (me!) Born 1948

Gerard, who was a prominent and controversial detective

Joseph, who is a priest in Manchester

Michael, retired from the World health  Organization, now living in Nicaragua

Gene, deceased

Eleanor, deceased

Dympna, deceased

Liam,  deceased

Denny, alive and well at 88

Vincent also alive and well and about to celebrate his 90th

John, who was always known as Bob, deceased

Tom, the eldest, deceased

Mother, Mary Ellen Moloney deceased

Louis, in mother’s arms, deceased

Father, James, long deceased

And finally, my grandmother, Kate Moloney 

In the background is the family’s rick of turf, fuel for the winter.

Philip remembers days spent in the bog.

We had a bank of turf in Coil Bui, a few miles from Cahirdown.  At one time or another we all paid our dues cutting the turf.  There was a wonderful stillness to the bog, so quiet you could hear people talking hundreds of yards away.  The curlew’s cry only accentuated the stillness.

The turf was cut by the man on the slean, usually a man of some heft, whose reputation depended on how much turf he could cut in a day.  A pike man tossed the heavy bricks to the youngsters who spread it out to dry, footing it and re-footing it into little stacks and then ever bigger stacks until it was time to bring it home.  The milk and the porter (in bojonters) was cooled in the bog water until it was time for the tea.  The tea tasted of the bog but it was sweet and strong.  And the sandwich! I have dined in Michelin star restaurants across the planet but nothing has ever rivalled the taste of the bog sandwich.

When the turf was home and stacked, “There was great comfort in looking at that great mass of turf.”


A Fact

The Cairo Opera House was destroyed by fire in 1970. The Cairo fire station was located inside the same building.


Summertime is Visitor Time

What a difference a week makes; St John’s under cloudy skies in June 2023


Corpus Christi Processions

This year the feast of Corpus Christi fell on June 8. The tradition is to hold a processsion preceeded by this year’s first communicants on a weekend near the date.

Listowel procession photo from Listowel Girl’s Primary Facebook page

Athea parade photos by Bridie Murphy


In Kerry Writers’ Museum

Even a short visit to Listowel gives time to take in some of our lovely visitor attractions.

Last week I accompanied Phil to Kerry Writers’ Museum.

Our visitor centre in the square used to be called The Seanchaí. A statue of Eamonn Kelly, Seanchaí, greets visitors at the foot of the stairs.

Phil enjoyed the John B. Keane room. She remembered attending his plays and always enjoying his writing.

I was anxious to show her the Michael O’Connor corner. The beautiful pieces look marvellous under the light in their climate controlled cabinets.

When you look closely at the above details on the St. Patrick’s Breastplate scroll you will be amazed at the intricate detail achieved by this super talented local artist. I hope many many Listowel people visit the exhibition this summer. You will be amazed.


Varying Shades of Dolly

Brendan O’Sullivan rocking the denim and stetson look

Most people accessorised with a guitar, this man brought a skateboard

I met Phil adding a few sparkles to her outfit

If your footwear was too undollylike, people in the Costume Fixing marwquee had plenty of high heels to cowboy boots available.

Jimmy Deenihan as you have never seen him before.

The queue moved along slowly but in good form. Everyone had to be photographed and braceleted for the record.


Meanwhile in Ballybunion

Ballybunion Golf Club annual captains’ weekend was a huge success raising funds for seven local charities.


St. Ita

Ballybunion Golf Course January 16 2022; Photo; Catherine Moylan


I don’t know much about this photo except that Bryan MacMahon and John B. Keane and others are on the back of Stuart Stack’s truck. Any help with identifying the others and telling us when where and why this photo was taken would be great.


Local Lore and Legend

Newmarket man, Raymond O’Sullivan is a great man for local lore. Here is his Facebook post about St. Ita.

St. Ita, the patron saint of Killeedy and Co. Limerick, is also called ‘The Foster Mother of the Saints of Ireland’. Among her many illustrious foster children was none other than St. Brendan, the Navigator, who was brought to Killeedy when he was one year old and stayed until he was six.Her çult remains strong in the hill country along the Cork, Kerry, Limerick borderlands. One unusual feature of the cult is letting the Christmas decorations up until after her feastday on the 15th of January. Not sure if it is out of laziness or devotion to her that I continue to observe this custom. Probably a bit of both. We got married on her feastday, and, when unsure of the anniversary date over the years, a discreet inquiry about St. Ita’s ‘pattern’ got me out of many a potentially perilous situation.

Shrine to St Ita in Killeedy, Co. Limerick

Stained glass window of St. Ita in The Oratory in Gougane Barra


Your Help Sought

I am trying to trace any (relatives) or people that may know of/ be related to my Grandfather, John Sylvester Horan.

My hubby is doing my family tree My mum, ( who died in 1990) was orphaned when she was 9 yrs. She told me that she was led to believe her father was a bigamist but, I have found through ancestry that he was in fact a widower when he left for Liverpool. I only know that his 1st wife was called Sarah.

John was born in 1886 in Listowel. I know this is a massive long shot, but maybe someone may know something.

Thank you so much, Patricia Jones…South Wales x


Telling Stories

This little piggy….

Aoife and I had great old chats on her recent visit. I can’t wait to share all the family secrets with her.


The one who came back to say thanks

John O’Leary contacted Listowel Connection to thank his former teacher in Rossmacowen Primary School, Miss Enright of Bridge Road. He remembered her with gratitude. We tracked down the Sheila Enright in question and John’s gratitude and kind words will be conveyed to her.

This is from John’s latest letter;

Hi Mary,

I can not  thank you enough for all your time and effort in tracing my primary school teacher, Sheila. I moved into the fourth class as Sheila arrived at our school. Sheila was kind and always showed interest in your progress, caring, taking time to explain the subject, never telling you off. It was a time of learning. The classroom was always welcoming with displays and all the flowers on the window board and on her desk. There was the open fire with all the bottles of drinks for lunch time, as from Oct to March we all brought a sod of turf for the fire and at lunch time we went up through the fields to collect wood for the fire. My last years in primary school were so memorable. Thanks to Sheila or, as we would say, Miss Enright.



John B. Keane and Big Words, A Minute of Your Time and my Book Signing

Photo taken in Beale, Co. Kerry by Ita Hannon


John B. Keane on Corporal Punishment

(from the Limerick Leader archives)

“Sticks and stones may break my bones

But words will never hurt me.”

(According to John B. scholars always preferred a scolding to a beating)

However, I remember a singular exception to this.

Many years ago in Listowel, there was a secondary teacher by the name of Paddy Breen was reputed to be one of the best English scholars in Kerry.

Once, after an argument with an inspector, he was asked by the school’s president to render an account of what happened.

“All that happened,” said Paddy, “was that I bade the fellow beat an ignominious retreat to the native valleys of his own obscurity.”

There was in Paddy Breen’s heyday a pupil attending each morning unfailingly late.

Always he would come up with a different excuse.

It so happened that one morning, Paddy was taking the first class of the day.

Our friend, as was his want, arrived a half-hour later.

“Well,” said Paddy, “what excuse have you to offer this time?”

“My mother’s watch, sir, she stopped,” was the invented answer.

All the other clocks and watches in the house had long since been rendered inoperable due to a variety of misfortunes.

“You, sir,” said Paddy Breen “are the misbegotten metamorphosis of a miscalculating microchonometer.”

One young friend took the jibe poorly and did not attend class the following day nor indeed for many a day afterwards.

Eventually, Paddy received a solicitor’s letter asking him if he would be good enough to repeat the damaging statement in court.

Paddy replied that he would be agreeable and sent the solicitor an exact copy of what he said.

No more was heard of the matter but had he used smaller and more easily understood words there would have been no misunderstanding whatsoever.

Alas, there would have been no colour either, and the class would have been a drabber, duller place.


Floods in 1890


Wartime Rationing

One of the unexpected things that was rationed during World War 2 was golf balls.

Balls which were remoulded by the Dunlop company were supplied in small numbers to Ballybunion and other clubs.

The first captain of Ballybunion Golf Club was Canon R. Adderley of Listowel. Mrs. Rosalie Shortis Venn was the first lady captain.


A Minute of Your Time

will be telling you more about the launch of my book in the coming weeks but in the meantime let me tell you about an exciting signing event in Philip’s Bookshop in Mallow.

It’s on November 2 starting at 2.00p.m. Philip’s Bookshop is celebrating its 30th birthday and they are planning a big party.

John Spillane will be the singing MC. Darina Allen and Alice Taylor will be among those signing. And, in keeping with their policy of encouraging local authors, I will be there . If you are near Mallow be sure to put the date in your diary. It promises to be a great day. I might be in need of a friend as I try to hold my own in such exalted company.

Evening Press 1939, Listowel Hospital and Clinics and the old popemobile

Roses at Listowel Big Bridge July 2018


More advertisements from the Sunday Press of 1939

That one doesn’t seem to have caught on.

Back in 1939 they were pushing bottle feeding. Apparently it protected a child against the winter weather!


In Listowel Hospital Grounds

I took a wander back Greenville to see how things were in that part of town. Here are some pictures I took in the hospital grounds


Donncha  ODulaing and the Popemobile

This photo is in the RTE archive. I wonder if the new popemobile will look less like a caravan mounted on a lorry


Interesting Sign for the Golf Tournament

AA signs now have the eircode for the event venue  Genius.  No one will ever be lost again!

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