This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at
In his memoir, O’Carroll remembers the importance of turf.
The Crow family
Apropos my inclusion of the One for Sorrow rhyme last week, I was reminded that it refers to magpies and not to crows. So here is the crow and all his first cousins, including the magpie.
Now I can’t make out if the ones I see so many of around here are common ravens or rooks.
These three ladies are familiar to us from their work with Listowel Races.
This story and picture is from Tralee Today online
From left; Zoe O’Connor, Orla Diffily and Sydney Sargent at Upfront Model Management. Photo: Cian Copeland
KERRY-BASED Commercial and Fashion Agency, Upfront Model Management, has announced the appointment of Talent Development Manager and new partner, Sydney Sargent and Creative Lead and Casting Director, Zoe O’Connor to continue to grow the agency’s presence in the Irish market and to develop overseas markets.
Upfront was established in Kerry as a PR consultancy in 1995. Upfront Model Management was launched in 2008 and today represents commercial and fashion talents in Cork, Dublin, and Kerry. The Agency specialises in representing diversity and many of the talents also have acting experience.
Scouted in her native Texas, Sydney has modelled internationally in the US, Australia, and London before moving to Ireland 10 years ago.
Agency founder and owner, Orla Diffily began her PR career at Murray Consultants Dublin and then spent 4 years working on consumer and fashion accounts with Setanta Communications Dublin, before moving to the Corporate Affairs Department of Kerry Group PLC.
In 1995, she left to establish Upfront. With over 30 years of experience in the fashion and lifestyle industry, she is a respected industry voice, girl boss and proud owner of Upfront.
A Fact
A bat flies but cannot walk. Its leg bones are so thin his legs could not support him.
People, well, women anyway, of a certain age will remember this activity well. You cut everything out very carefully…not the good scissors, the one for paper. You glued Bunty to a piece of cardboard….a Cornflakes’ box was ideal, not too stiff to cut but stiff enough to stand up. Then wrapping the little paper tabs around her, you dressed Bunty. Hours of fun!
A Talk on Women’s Health
Shelagh Griffin organised and Katie Condon delivered a great talk on women’s health in Listowel Family Resource Centre on Tuesday last. Shelagh promises in future to alert me to similar events so that I can tell you before, rather than after the event.
Important tip from An Garda Siochána
Your IMEI number is the unique identifier of your mobile phone. Follow the easy instructions below to keep this number safe. It will make the job of finding it easier if your phone is ever lost or stolen.
Disappearing Verbs
If you remember anything about grammar you will remember that a verb is an action word and a noun is a naming word. Not so any more it would seem.
One doesn’t win a medal any more. One medals.
One doesn’t score a goal. One goals.
One doesn’t sit on the bench. One is benched or even sidelined.
We don’t put a question on the table. We table a question.
You don’t go on holiday, you holiday.
The list goes on.
Look what I bought in the Vincent de Paul shop
Prepare to be mesmerised.
From the Archives
Taranaki Daily News 8 January 1920
FURTHER OUTRAGES. By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright. London, Jan. 5. Constable Clarke, while walking in a street at Ballylongford, was shot from behind a wall, 150 pellets lodging in his neck and shoulders. His condition is critical. A number of men waylaid a police patrol who were protecting a loyal farmer in North Clare. A brisk exchange of shots followed, one constable being wounded. His comrades, using grenades, routed their assailants. This is the first time grenades have been used. Military aeroplanes are patrolling throughout Ireland, particularly in the neighbourhood of Carrigtohill, to prevent further assemblies that might lead to a recurrence of outrages. The police in Cork visited prominent Sinn Feiners and interrogated them, regarding their movements on Saturday. Sinn Feiners are contesting all the 80 seats in the Dublin Corporation elections—Aus.-N.Z. Cable Assn.
Hospice Coffee Morning
A few photos of people who attended the best coffee morning ever in The Listowel Arms on Thursday October 17 2024
A Fact
With 980 known species bats make up 23 per cent of all known mammals by species.
A little spot of business took me recently to Ballylongford.
While I was there I visited the church.
I love this picture. Sums me up perfectly.
Interior of Ballylongford parish church
The church interior is very traditional with little stained glass and huge statues.
The windows in Ballylongford church are unusually small. The side windows which have clear glass are set very low into the walls.
The lectern has a modern looking cross with a dove (Holy Spirit) on it. I couldn’t find any account of it online. Maybe a reader knows the story.
There is a huge statue of St Michael the archangel beside the door.
St. Joseph, I presume
It’s a long time since I’ve seen such a well stocked Catholic Truth Society book shelf.
The parishioners seem to have had particular affection for Fr. Pierce.
Your Cup of Joe
Mick O’Callaghan writes some lovely essays in his Rambler’s Blog
You’ll enjoy this if, like me, you are fascinated by the variety of coffee offerings available to coffee lovers nowadays.
Coffee at eleven
Well, isn’t life gone very strange and complicated when you want to purchase a simple thing like a cup of tea or coffee.
Recently I was out walking in Gorey Town Park, with a relation home from Australia, when he suggested that we go for a coffee, and I immediately agreed. We visited the nearest coffee shop which was in the park. I asked for a cappuccino and was asked what type of milk I wanted so naturally I said that I just wanted ordinary straight cow’s whole milk while my friend wanted a flat white. Then we are further asked as to whether the coffee was for here or to go. Having answered that we would be imbibing our coffee potions on the premises we were given a choice of drinking vessel between cup, mug, or disposable container. Being the environmentally conscious type I opted for mug while my walking colleague chose a cup. The coffee was served up without the traditional saucer but who cares when the coffee served was excellent and the service was polite and friendly. We wished the Cullen family well in their new business adventure.
Being the mathematical type that I am I glanced around and observed that most imbibees were drinking from throw away cups which I found utterly appalling as these would all end up in land fill or incinerator causing further damage to our already damaged eco system.
And so, on Wednesday morning of September 6th, 2023, we went out with five family members for some food and coffees which was all very convivial and enjoyable. The day was fine, and we sat outside in the lovely friendly Cowhouse Bistro on the Courtown Road. The food was excellent and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Next it was coffee ordering time, and a very friendly waitress came to take our order.
I was first to order and was the usual stick in the mud ordering a straight cappuccino in good old cow’s milk. And so, she moved along, and the next request was for a one-shot decaffeinated Americano followed by a normal Americano with extra hot water and ordinary milk.
I ask myself if this can get more complicated and the next barista order is for an almond milk latte with extra hot milk on the side.
I am really switched on now to hear the next order which is a normal milk latte with an extra shot. Now we are really upping the ante.
The final call was for a decaffeinated cappuccino with oat milk. All the coffees were served in cups and saucers which was nice to see and experience.
I am just flabbergasted by the sheer variety of orders. God be with the days of the bottle of Irel coffee and the spoon of Maxwell House instant powdered or granulated coffee. You got your cup, spooned in the relevant amount of coffee, added boiling water, stirred it up, added a drop of milk from the milk bottle and off you drank your coffee with your Marietta or Lincoln Cream biscuits. This was the ultimate in relaxation and had more sophistication about it than the ‘will you have time for a cup of tea in your hand’ effort.
The times have changed and so have our tastes and choices.
Are we any better for it all. I don’t know. Maybe next time I’ll have a skinny latte in mountain goats’ milk, a hot chocolate in sheep’s milk, a mocha with a slice of blackberry and apple tart or luscious strawberry in dark chocolate from Green’s Berry Farm sales shack at the other side of the road. Now that would be sophistication.
We had a very nice pleasant day out on a warm September 2023 day out in Gorey.
Mick O Callaghan 10/09/2023
Times Past in Presentation Secondary School, Listowel
Photo from Brenda O’Halloran
May 1976
included are Anne McAuliffe, Miriam Hilliard, Kathleen Ryan, Brenda O’Halloran, Deirdre O’Sullivan
One for the Diary
A Fact
Bats make up 23 % of mammals by species. There are 980 + known species of bat in the world.