This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Bittling

Jack Nash Remembered, A 2004 Memory and a Strange Fact

Gurtinard Walk in February 2020



Lots of roadworks hoping on in town recently

Listowel Ballalley before it was painted

Listowel Ball Alley in February 2020


This man is the late Jack Ashe/Nash

Vincent Carmody sent us this email in which he tells us more about this local journalist/poet

I will try to explain the origin of the street names later, however today, I would like to share with

 your readers some insight into that great man of ‘letters’ Sean Ashe of Convent Street or 

The Gleann, as he preferred it to be called. 

The Ashe family originated in West Kerry, arriving in North Kerry in the mid 1800s and 

finally to Convent Street  Sean and his sister Nora had a small sweetshop in what is now 

22 Convent Stree., On a plinth over their door and window Jack had his name proclaimed 

in Gaelic, Sean Aghas. One night a few smart young fellows went busy painting and 

as the day broke, a name was added and read, Sean Aghas Nora. 

Rather than refer to him as Jack Ashe, many locals referred to him as the more easy 

pronounced, Jack Nash.

For many years Jack was local correspondent for the Kerry Champion newspaper, in which 

among other things he composed ballads about local events, always signing his work by his

 initials, S.A.

He penned a lovely 12 verse poem, ‘The Place we Call The Gleann’ in memory 

of the street of  his youth, the first 2 verses read


I now retrace the path of years

And see a picture bright.

No faltering step or memory lapse

Can dim the pleasing sight.

No wind of change can disarrange

The thoughts I first penned down.

Of happy days and boyhood ways

In the place we call ” The Gleann”


Ah ! There’s the lengthy line of homes

Along the riverside. 

Across the roadway many more

Line up with equal pride. 

The white-washed wall of one and all

And the thatch of light-hued brown. 

Bring picturesqueness to the scene

In the place we call the Gleann.

He was equally adapt at penning lovely verses regaling the fortunes of teams 

playing in the Listowel Town League, 

2 of these ballads remain and I’d wager few places or few ballad writers could

 produce words or lines that would compare with Ashe’s composition.

The first 2 verses of his 1935 effort went


The world and his wife were there to see the contest played.

The ploughman left his horses and the tradesman left his trade.

Excitement spread, like lightning flash through every house in town.

The night the Boro’ Rovers met in combat with the Gleann. 


The father and the mother, yes, the husband, wife and child.

Were there in great profusion and went mad careering wild.

Said the young wife to her husband: “Sure, I’ll pawn my shawl and gown

And I’ll bet my last brown penny on the fortunes of the Gleann”

In later years, 1953, once again those great rivals met in the final, well known All Ireland 

footballer, Jackie Lyne was the referee, afterwards Lyne remarked, that the match 

was as exciting and the play as skillful as any inter-county match he had ever played in. 

Once again Ashe’s 2 first verses were classic in their descriptive lines.

T’was the thirteenth of August and the year was fifty-three,

And the bustle and excitement filled expectant hearts with glee, 

So we all stepped off together to the field above the town,

To see those faultless finalists, Boro’ Rovers and The Gleann.


The game began at nick of time, the “Ref” was Jackie Lyne, 

The whistle held in master hands was an inspiring sign,

It was an epic struggle and to history ’twill go down,

An eventful, epic final twixt the Boro’ and the Gleann.     



From Listowel Contributors to the Schools Folklore Collection

17. Frank Hoffman who was killed in the troubles in Tralee was a great concertina-player. After his death his comrades were planning an ambush in a barn and they heard his tone played outside on a concertina. They put off the ambush and ’twas well they did as a trap was laid for them and they’d all be wiped out.

(T. T. Doyle Tanavalla)

18. “The men who crucified Our Lord have to roll barrells in heaven as a punishment. Thats thunder! (Hickey Ballybunion).

(19) There was a churchyard in Behins long ago and men ploughed up bones there and never buried them again so they got the sickness and died.

There was also a churchyard in Listowel at the back of Feale View (Sweetnams) now the property of Mr. Foley.


The Kerryman 2004


A Little Known Fact

King David 1 of Scotland gave tax rebates to people with good table manners.


Look What Nicholas Found

Mary, I came across the website ‘Old & Interesting’ which is a delightful, informative and entertaining site.
All items shown here are from Old & Interesting – Text ©  
It seems that the hygienic and elusive, and ghostly Kerry 
‘bittler’ was in fact a washerwoman with unfinished nocturnal business, of a ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’ sort, on this earth.

“…The names of the wooden beaters varied from region to region: washing-beetles, clothes-beetles, bats, paddles, beatels, bittles, battledores, battling-sticks, battling-staffs. Other names for washing implements were washing-dolly, dolly-legs, dolly-peg, peggy, maiden, possing-stick, poss-stick. The tub was sometimes called a dolly-tub. The beetling-block could be a beetling/battling-bench, or battling-board…”

“The young washerwomen beetling clothes on a beetle-stone in the picture (above right) were an “amusing” and “quaint” illustration for an 1891 book about Ireland.”
(probably the book mentioned below). 
“Katty took a pailful of soiled linen to the spot where the stream formed a little pool, and where the villagers had fixed a broad and flat “beetling” stone.
Patrick Kennedy, Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts, 1891”

Text and Photo from Nicholas Leonard

Castle Hotel Ballybunion, Asdee Relatives, Roly Chute and some Old bits of folklore

Holocaust Memorial in Listowel’s Garden of Europe in February 2020


The Castle Hotel Ballybunion

Photo Credit: Eamon Kelly


A North Kerry Connection

Ken Duckett heard my plea for help with items for the blog and he enquired if memories that were not exactly Listowel related were welcomed. They are, of course.

Here is what Ken writes of his North Kerry connection.

Hi Mary, 

Here’s a couple of pictures, one haystacking on my uncle’s farm when I was around 14/15. My uncle was Edward Hanlon the farm that he and my mum Kathleen Hanlon plus 9 other brothers and sister were raised.

This was my grandfather Patrick Hanlon and Grandmother Margaret (Stack) Hanlon’s farm, the first one they bought after a number of their Hanlon ancestors leased. In the background you can see the Shannon flowing by. 

My mother trained as a nurse and left Ireland, met my dad in England and married. We used to have several trips to Kerry as we enjoyed their company in Shannon View lodge, Asdee. My cousin presently lives there and 

we’ve been over a few time. The second picture is me standing next to a Japanese Banana plant.

The Stacks were from Moyvane and lived in Gortdromasillahy and Gortdromagouna townlands over a number of generations.

It would be interested if anyone has heard or has connections with the Hanlons or Stacks. I have a recently seen picture of two of my mum’s brothers either on the way or at the Listowel races. 



A Legend of Listowel Badminton Honoured

Roly Chute’s family and friends gathered at Listowel Badminton Club’s tribute night for a great servant of the club. Roly has coached generations of Listowel youngsters. I have experienced in my own family his skill and dedication. We owe him a lot.

Roly is that rare breed…a selfless volunteer. Will we ever again see one person give 50 years volunteering his skills to one sport? And he’s not finished yet!


Tidbits from Listowel in the Dúchas Folklore collection

7. If you bought bonhams and put them all together throw two buckets of sour milk on top of them to keep them from fighting. I saw Dan Shea of Clievragh doing it.

It isn’t sour milk at all sir, it’s porter you should throw in their eyes. I saw Mick Stokes of Makel St. doing it.

( This one reminded me that when my mother bought in day old chickens to be reared by a hen who had just hatched out her own eggs, she would sprinkle talcum power on them so that the hen would not reject the new ones)

8. If you kill a goose, or a cock, or a cow and put your fist on the back of his neck and press he’ll make the noise he made when alive.

(9). If you want to make a starling talk split his tongue and put his beak up to a rack (i. e. a comb) – and he’ll speak.

(10). My mother (Mrs Doyle Slievecahel) told me that a man was coming home from Castleisland one night and he saw a lovely city inside in a Glen. He went in and there was nothing there only rocks. It was the reflection of a town in Australia.

(11). My mother said they used use pointy sticks before as forks. They used have a pointy stick as a Knife and a gabhlóg as a fork.

(12) People long go used go to no Mass but they used put a pot on another man’s head and hit it with something and that’d be by-the-way the bell. One night the pot fell down and they couldn’t pull it off and they had to break it to knock it off.

13. When I received my first Holy Communion in Ballyduff, after the priest made the sign of the cross with the Holy Communion I saw a little baby in the priest’s arms.

14. Jack Joy told me that Paddy Ferris of the Gaire made a cake a’ Christmas time with 5 stone of flour and it took him 5 hrs to make it.

15. St. Synan’s Well is in “Souper” Connors land (Protestants) and they got water out of the well to boil the Kettle and it wouldn’t boil at all so they had to throw it out and get other water.

16. Daniel O’Connell was at a feast one time and poison was put in his glass. One of the serving girls was by the way singing a song  in Irish and thus she warned him and she blew out the candles and he changed glasses with some other one. She sang

“A Dhomhnall Ó Conaill, an dtuigeann tú Gaedhilg?

Tuigim a’ coda (a chodladh, a chiota) agus a’ chuid eile Gaedhilg,

Tá an iomad den salainn á chuirfead sa dtae dhuit,

Múcfad-sa an solas agus cuir cúchú féin é”.

(T. Kennelly from mother who is from Glenbeigh)

( the gist of the song is that that there is too much salt in your soup. I’ll turn out the light so you can give it back to them)



Mattie Lennon found a reference to bittling in literature.

Hi Mary,

It would appear that bittling was washing clothes on a flat flag in a river. Apparently Kickham used it in Knocknagow.


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