Photo; Liam Downes
The Dublin Branch of the Kerry Family
in happier times
Remembering Schooldays in St. Michael’s
From a cocoon in New York comes John Anthony Hegarty wrote
Hi Mary,
I just found this article from the Kerryman newspaper from my days in St Michael’s.
It definitely has that Listowel Connection.
My class was what was considered a diverse class in those days,
Apart from those us in the photo below , there was one American (Yank) Mike Regan, one English (Cockney) : Kevin Summers they were both exempt from learning Irish, we had Fitzell from Ballylongford. Alas I forgot his first name, he was Church of Ireland so he was exempt from the religion class. John B’s son, Conor Keane, was also in my class , I must say even though his father was famous Conor was down to earth , there certainly no airs and graces about him, he was a regular person. Louis McDonough was also in my class.
That first year we spent in the prefab class room behind the main college building Our teachers were : Margaret Savage from Bedford :PE ( a new concept back then) and Civics , Mr Cody :Science, Mr Harman : Math: “the square of the hypotenuse of right angle triangle is equal to the sum the squares of the other two sides” has stuck with me, he said that phrase quite a few times back then, the Regans husband and wife team: Mr Regan :Commerce, Mrs Regan : French, Mr. Molyneaux ( Junior ) : Irish and History /Geography,
Mr Given :English, Fr O’Sullivan : Music and Religion and he was headmaster of the College.
Teachers were all allowed to use the cane back then and they did use it.
Lunch break we used to go down to a shop called (I think) Crowley’s for an ice cream wafer.
The biggest crime back then was cigarette smoking.
John-Anthony pointed out they were already practicing social distancing in this photo.
These are the names of the boys in the order in which they are standing.
First row : Tony O’ Carroll, Jim Hannon , John-Anthony Hegarty,
Second row: Tony Barrett, Thomas O’ Connor,Joe Walsh, Patrick McElligott,
Back row: Edward O’Connor.
So in regard to the survey below , it wasn’t very scientific because the people were very reserved in that , they didn’t want to say the wrong thing so the most the common answer was ” well what are rest of the people putting down”
The photo was taken in front of then Cash and Carry ( Walsh hall) across from the Astor.I have met Paddy MacEligott and my neighbor Joe Walsh a handful a times since those days.
Looking Back
This photo was taken during a North Kerry Reaching out event in Greaney’s Spar Listowel in 2000.
Brenda Sexton was sharing photographic memorabilia with Ger Greaney and James Kenny.
River Feale
Mike Guerin has shared some lovely and many never before seen photographs of the river and its fishermen