This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

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A poem, Covid 19, Duhallow Knitwear and an old Áras Mhuire photo

Lower William Street in 2016


A Timely Poem


Duhallow Knitwear, a Listowel Connection

I included this old advertisement last week. It prompted Mike Moriarty, whose family ran Moriarty’s on William Street for years to tell us his memories of Duhallow and the Sheehan family.

                 My parents would have done business with Duhallow down through the years. I still have vivid memories of their rep, Tim Vaughan. The brand was very highly rated by our customers. Once a year we would visit the factory with our parents, This was at a point of the year when they would be selling “seconds”. Now you would be hard pressed to find a flaw in these garments but the regular customers to our shop could not get enough of them.

                  There was a strong personal bond between the owner, John Sheehan, and the retailers. We would have been entertained in his house. Indeed, when my brother, Ned, died John Sheehan, although quite frail, made his way to Listowel to the funeral. Later, when John himself passed away I was in Kanturk to represent the family at the wake in his house.


Mike Moriarty.

P.S. “Hose” was/is simply socks. Eventually I guess it referred to knitwear generally.


Áras Mhuire

I took this at a birthday party in Áras Mhuire a few years ago.


More of Mike O’Donnell’s Covid Cartoons


Old Neighbours, New Neighbours

Patrick Godfrey who has family  roots in Charles Street shared this photo of Mrs Moloney and Mrs Stack with us.

Marie Nelligan Shaw saw this photo of her old Charles Street neighbours and sent us this photo.

This is Mrs. Stack’s daughter, Doreen, celebrating her 80th birthday last year. Doreen and Marie are now neighbours in New York.


It’s a Fact

Rounded corners on electronic devices have been patented by Apple. 

(From Facts to make your Jaw Drop)

Last of the tennis shots, Super Valu/ Iceland, and NKM in Listowel

Photo: Chris Grayson


Then and Now




Tennis 1987

Photos; Danny Gordon

As I post this on February 24 2019, Bobby Cogan is still playing tennis and is on the court as I write playing with his club Lakewood.


Whatever Happened to The Sweet factory?

This letter from Mary Murphy in 1990 asked a question we have all been wondering about since the topic of the NKM factory came up here.

Dave O’Sullivan has done a bit of research for us and the bottom line seems to be that the sweet factory relocated to Dublin in 1925 following a strike at its Listowel plant.

First, let’s go back to 1920 and ’21 when the factory was in full flight and offering good employment to what seems to be a predominantly female workforce.

(More tomorrow)


There it is ……Gone

The mystery deepens. The box which was attached to this sign is gone. Any idea what that was all about?

Another public Phone box removed and an up and coming bikeman and Opening Night WW18

A naonhóg on the beach photographed by Chris Grayson


Writers’ Week Opening Night 2018

We had a ball! Here are my first few photos. I’ll be busy snapping away for the next few days so you won’t see the bulk of my photos until later on. Meanwhile enjoy the sunshine and if you can at all come on down to lovely Listowel. The great and the good are here and there’s music and dancing too. If you don’t believe me look here.



Last week they took out this phone box by McKenna’s.

There it is…gone, just the rectangle of new paving bricks to show where it’s been.


Charles Street from Mill Lane


From the John Hannon Archive

Phil Walsh who passed away recently . May she dance in heaven


Conor Keane catches up with the Kellihers


One to Watch

The cyclist on the left greeting his grandparents at the Listowel finish of Rás Tailteann is Dillon Corkery . This young man is only 19 and he finished 26th overall in the Rás. This is a magnificent performance considering that many of the other riders are professional. There were only four other Irish amateur riders ahead of him. He is surely going places.

Brendan Landy on Facebook reminded us of another super bike rider who rode into Listowel at the beginning of his cycling career. This is Brendan Landy’s super picture of Sam Bennett winning stage 3 into Listowel  of the An Post Rás in 2013.

Could Dillon Corkery be the next Sam Bennett? 

Remember where you heard it first!

Listowel Rebranding, Christmas Shop and Sitting on Window Sills

Lots of Rebranding Going on

Rebranding is not about changes of ownership. It’s more a change of ethos and business model. Listowel is seeing a fair share of this lately. It started with Stacks changing to Number 21 and on Saturday night, Oct 10 2015 the last pint was pulled in Sheahans of Upper William Street.

Listowel Community College has two new brands, Coláiste na Ríochta and North Kerry College.

What we knew as Esso is now Topaz.


This is not an ad. for Listowel Garden Centre. If, like me, you love this stuff you need travel no further than Listowel.


Nobody sits on the window sills anymore

Listowel people remember a time when ladies used to sit on the window sills outside their houses in the evening time and chat. The day’s work done, the children in bed, the women took a welcome breather and availed of a chance to catch up with the news in the neighbourhood. People moved from one window to another but nobody left their perch for too long in case a crying child or a baking cake needed their attention. There were no televisions and no phones, mobile or otherwise, to bother them. The only sounds above the chatter were the happy sounds of children’s games or the chirping of the caged birds that hung outside the doors…….Happy days!


Saturday Night’s Entertainment Sorted

Daniel may be out, but our own Daniels and Kristinas are all set and rearing to go on Saturday night, October 24 2015

Scout Social 1955,Changes and a fly fishing enthusiast.

Scout Reunion Social 1955

This photo from Michael Kennelly’s album is captioned ; Lake Hotel Killarney, January 3 1955

Michael knew them all so well he did not need to note the names. If someone looking at them can name even a few, I’d love to publish them.


The Changing Face of Listowel

Town end of Charles’ Street in 2007

Town end of Charles’ Street in 2014

Church St. 2005

Same corner of town, October 2014


Fly Fishing in North Kerry

Damien Willis wrote the following in his blog :

each year I travel to a remote part of North Kerry to take some time out with
some close friends and family. Fortunatley my 74 year old father Aiden was able
to travel on this adventure. My angling companions on this occasion were Aiden
Willis,Tom Wilson,Noel Fitzpatrick and Brendan O Sullivan. Warm sunshine and
temperatures averaging 18C combined with early tides played to our advantage
with a total of 21 sea bass and 36 Flounders in North Kerry.

fishing is probably the easiest form of shore fishing – tarvelling light is the
key which increases mobility and reduces minding from the flodding tide. As the
trout season comes to a close my focus is turned to sea angling. For 37 years I
have fished with my father Aiden around the coasts of Ireland. I am glad to say
that my father whom is now in his seventies is still as active as ever, we
continue to take time out togeather fishing in this part of Ireland.

in North West Kerry is exceptional in that it contains something for everyone.
To miles of sandy beaches with crashing surfs for the angler after Bass, to
quite places like estuaries, piers, and cliffs that sink into deep water. This
part of Ireland has treasures galore to suit all types of fishing, all year
round, containing a variety of fish to match every taste and all within easy
distance of each other.

It is prohibited to take and kill more than two bass on any
one day. (Bye-law No.667)
The minimum overall size limit of 40cm. From tip of
snout to end of tail. Closed season from 15th May to 15th June.


Images of Irish Fuel

1960s filling station

Taking turf to Tory Island


Sunset over The Black Rocks

photo by Ballybunion Angling and Coastal Views

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