This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Ciboure

Ballybunion, some wild life and Tae Lane Listowel

Ballybunion from the Sea

Photo: Ballybunion Prints

Ballybunion Goats

Mike Enright took this great picture this week.


Remember these in the bog?

Photo; Timothy John MacSweeney, wildlife photographer


The Quad, UCC

(Photo: Random Cork Stuff on Twitter)


William Street Upper

There is no problem finding a parking space in this corner of town nowadays.


A Little visited Corner of Listowel….Tae Lane


So Proud

These are my twin grandsons with their new neighbours.

 Why am I so proud?

Because they are pictured walking a section of the Camino de Santiago. They walked 15 kilometers. The walk was an organized one with pit stops, drinks, cake and bands. Well done boys!

They are only 9.


St. Michael’s Boys, Keane Stack’s, Ciboure, Olaf in Ballybunion and Ghost in Killarney

St. Michael’s Boys 

I have no idea of the year, but aren’t they all well turned out?


Keane Stack’s

I brought you news of this new shop yesterday.

This is how this shop used to look when it was a pharmacy. This photo is from Vincent Carmody’s book, Listowel, Snapshots of a market town. According to Vincent, William Keane-Stack was born at Dromin Lower, Listowel in 1894. He qualified as a pharmaceutical chemist in 1920. His wife was Margaret McDermott of Indianapolis in the USA. He ran his pharmacy at 23 Lower William St.  The business shut in 1994. John B. Keane served for some time as a pharmaceutical assistant with the Keane-Stacks.


First World Problem!

My family in Ciboure sent me these photos of a morning’s excitement last week. This lovely pleasure boat ran on to these rocks prompting  a call out of all the services to prevent any further damage to the boat or, worse still, any environmental damage to this beauty spot.


Do you want to build a snowman?

I know its been cold lately but Ballybunion Prints with Olaf on the castle green: Incredible!


Ghost in Killarney

Look who’s starring in the Irish premier of Ghost the musical in the INEC this week. It’s our very own Roza Karim. This should be a super show. Don’t miss it!

New sacristan, James O’Carroll and WW1 and grandchildren in France

Film Crew at work in Ballybunion yesterday

(photo: The Mixing Bowl on Facebook)


Then and now

Dare I say it?

I prefer the old one


Ballybunion Road road works

A footpath is being made all the way from Convent Cross to the girls’ primary school. The buildings you see on the left belong to the secondary school. This measure, when completed, should make the walk to school a lot safer for some girls.


Our new sacristan

This is St. Mary’s new sacristan pictured with Canon Declan O’Connor at a recent wedding. She is Helen Moylan, a counsellor, a nurse, a super volunteer, a carer, a wonderful cook, a singer, the best and most generous neighbour and an all round good egg. In case you haven’t guessed it already, she is also my great friend, trusted confidante and best buddy. I wish her many happy years in her new post.


Two  WW1 stories from Kerrys’ Eye



Reality Bites

Sean and Killian Cogan, my two lovely boys, head out for their first day in French school. There is no uniform but Killian chose to go with the comfort of the familiar; his school tshirt from Scoil Barra in Ballincollig.

A whole new world opens for them in this French classroom with their new teacher.

Bon chance, mes petits!

Don’t forget to follow their adventure on their blog

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