This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Dursley Male Voice Choir

Strictly, Bridge Road, Brosna, Halloween Parade and the passing of another London Kerry publican

Timothy John MacSweeney


Strictly, Before the Event

I was in The Listowel Arms on Saturday October 24 2015 on a family mission. The whole place was a hive of excitement as last minute preparations were being put in place for Kerry Parents and Friends Strictly Come Dancing. I snapped a few of the nervous dancers and two of the organizers as they headed for the ballroom.

This last picture is of Julianne Galvin who, with her partner, Ian Liston, were declared the winners.

A great night for a great cause.

Pictures here:  Kerry Parents and Friends Strictly


Dursley Boys

Recently the Dursley Male Voice Choir sang at mass in St. Mary’s Listowel. I took these photos with members of our own church choir after mass and before the choir headed up town to perform at Áras Mhuire.


Bridge Road, Listowel, October 2015


New Shop breathes life into Brosna

Noel Laneshared the great news on Facebook. There is a renewed buzz about the village of Brosna with the opening of a bar and a new shop. It’s marvelous to see these green shoots of recovery in rural Kerry.


Halloween Parade Back for Another Year


A True Blue Kerryman has passed Away in London 

The late Christy Kissane is third from right at back

“It is with deep regret that we have learned of the death of legendary Kilburn publican Christy Kissane, a towering figure in London’s Irish – and Kerry – community.

The owner of Kerry’s flagship pub in Kilburn, the Kingdom, which was itself a testimony to Christy’s love of GAA as he frequently hosted the Kerry players and the Sam Maguire Cup.

Christy’s proud boast was that he had been to every All Ireland football final since 1962 except for the one in 1968 when construction work kept him in London.

He lived in Dollis Hill.

His first pub, in the mid-1970s, was the Windsor Castle on the Harrow Road which he built into a chain of pubs and taverns across west and north west London before eventually concentrating on his pride and joy, the Kingdom in Kilburn.

As can be seen in this photo was a welcome and lively presence at last Friday’s Kerry Association London dinner in Cricklewood. He was Life President of the Association. He was also chairman of the Kingdom Kerry Gaels football club.”

(photo and text from The Irish World

Dursley Male Voice Choir 2015 in The Tinteán and Vocational School trip to Killarney in 1961

Photo from Kanturk based photographer  Janusz Yrzsecki


A Great Night in The Tinteán on September 25 2015

North Kerry people came out in numbers to support the great fundraising concert for Listowel Rugby Club Development Squad and Áras Mhuire Nursing Home. We were treated to a superb night of entertainment by the Dursley Male Voice Choir, Colm O’Brien and Eoin Hand. A highlight of the night was the singing of local boy soprano, Mark Hennessy. Seán Lyons was our witty, relaxed M.C.


Snapped in The Square on the Saturday of the Races


Listowel Vocational School Trip to Killarney in 1961

Maureen Barrett, formerly of Ballylongford is a loyal follower of Listowel Connection. She sent me these great old photos of a school trip she took to Killarney in 1961. She borrowed a camera and she made good use of it to record a very enjoyable day out. The photos are particularly good quality and my friend, Jos. only had to do a little work to make them really outstanding. Maureen remembers most of the names too  so I’m sure they will bring back a few memories.

Kathleen Buckley and Rita Finucane with one of Killarney’s lakes in the background.

Rita and Kathleen again with Maureen herself in the middle

Front row-Ann Beazley-Listowel, Margaret Walsh (I think Tullamore)  Kathleen Buckley, Maura O’Sullivan, Rita Finucane, the girl peeking out at the back is  Margaret O’Connor .

John B. Keane, Listowel Credit Union and Tarbert 1990

As we face into Autumn, here is  a lovely Ballybunion sunset to remember Summer 2015  (photo:Ballybunion Prints)


Old Photos of John B. Keane

If you have never been in the Seanchaí Writers Museum, this photo will mean nothing to you. This is the shy singer and you’ll have to take the tour to get the full story. While I was in the John B. Keane room I took a photo of some of the photos under glass on the tables.

John B. Keane with Fr. Seamus Linnane.

Mary and John B’ Keane with their granddaughter, Anne.

Noelle Campbell Sharpe with John B.


Listowel Credit Union Repainted

This is the old colour scheme


Down Memory Lane with The Kerryman

How wrong can one be?  Dr. Diamuid OSuilleabháin got his predictions for future growth in Tarbert’s Catholic population fairly wrong in 1990.


Dates for the Diary

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