This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Knight of Glin

Launch of Barbara Derbyshire’s New Book, Knight of Glin and An Post 2019 cards

1916 Commemorative Garden in November 2019


An Post Christmas Cards 2019

They feature some lovely old ppostboxes


What a Knight!

Mme FitzGerald dancing with husband, the Knight of Glin , at the costume ball given by the Earl and Countess of Longford at Strawberry Hill, England; performing band in background.

Tom Donovan posted this marvellous picture and caption on Glin Historical Society’s Facebook page.


Launch of Leaving Echoes 

 Kerry Writer’s Museum was the packed venue for the launch of Barbara Derbyshire’s lovely anthology of poetry and stories.

 Máire, Madeleine, Dee and Pricilla were their to lend their support.

John McGrath, Barbara’s editor and publisher was our M.C.

Barbara’s friend and writing workshop facilitator, Kim Arnold launched the book.

The music was heavenly and accented all the extracts from the book that were read by Barbara and her friends.

Colbert Street, Tralees Island of Geese William Street, Listowel and a night in the home of a knight

Colbert Street, Listowel


Con Colbert’s memorial card from the Capuchin Archive. Colbert Street is named after him.


The Island of Geese, Tralee

This is a strange little corner of Tralee with one of the most unusual names.


Bryan MacMahon’s poem in The Square


William Street


The Night I Met the Knight

The late Desmond Fitzgerald, the last Knight of Glin was an affable and kindly man. One Christmas many moons ago, I, with a group of my fellow teachers, went to Glin Castle for our Christmas night out. Hiring the castle out for these kinds of large parties was one of the plans the knight hit upon in his efforts to save his family seat. The beautiful old castle needed a huge annual budget to run and the farm was not sufficient to meet all of the outlay. So there is your blogger, at the left hand of the knight and at his right shoulder is the late Sr. Nuala O’Leary.

Beal, Listowel Military Tattoo 2016 and Irish titles and winners at The Kingdom County Fair 2016

Ita Hannon’s Beal

Another stunning shot from Ita Hannon.


Cork Steam train

Photo shared by Patrick J. O’Shea


People I met at The Listowel Military Tattoo

 Tom McElligott and family enjoying the Living History Display

Trish Curtin was chatting to a soldier.

Joan and P.J. Kenny brought their weekend visitors, daughter Caroline and her fiancé, Tadhg Mulchinock to see the mock battle.

The Bombshell Belles were everywhere, joining in any high jinks.


Irishmen and their Titles

There has been much mention recently of The O’Rahilly. This set me to wondering why he was The One rather than all the other O’Rahillys. I have a slight interest here since I have a first cousin married to a Rahilly ( no O or The or anything).

Where did Michael Joseph O’Rahilly, Republican, get the title?

According to Wikipedia, he gave it to himself.

Traditionally the chief of a clan was called The…..

The following information is from the New Zealand Tablet, Volume XIX, Issue 41, 17 July 1891, Page 19

Southern Cross.)

The death of this gentleman removes
one of the ten “chiefs” who still retain ancient Irish titles. These titles are
recognised by the Crown and by patent.

 The O’Gorman Mahon inherited his title from
his mother, who was the only daughter of The O’Gorman.

The other gentlemen who possess the
right to a distinctively Irish address are as follows :

Prince of Coolavin The MacDermot,
Q. C, D.L., J.P., descended from the kings of Connaught ;

The O’Conor Don Right Hon. Charles
Owen O’Conor, D.L., J.P., descended from the kings of Ireland, and dates his
pedigree back to A.D. 366

The O’Donoghue— Daniel O’Donoghue,
descended from the kings of Munster.

The O’Donovan— Henry Winthrop
O’Donovan M.A., J P., D.L., chief of the ancient sept of O’Donovan;

The O’Grady William de Courcy O
Grady, M.A., descended from the princes of Limerick;

Knight of Glin— Desmond John Edmond

Knight of Kerry— Sir Maurice George
Fitzgerald, Bart.

The Mac- Gillicuddy of the Reeks
Denis Charles MacGillicuddy. descended from lords of Tipperary

Chief of Hymaine Cornelius J.
O’Kelly, J.P., DL.

It may be mentioned that these
gentlemen usually reside in Ireland, where they have estates which they manage
excellently. On the recent visit of the Lord-Lieutenant to the South of
Ireland, the village of Glin was prettily decorated, and the Knight of Glin
accompanied his Excellency on part of his tour. The O’Conor Don is a Privy
Councillor, and The MacDermot was Solicitor-General for Ireland in Mr
Gladstone’s two last administrations. The Knight of Kerry is an Equerry to
H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught. To those interested in the matter Burkes Landed
Gentry and Peerage will give particulars in regard to ancient Irish titles.
These works are to be found in the Public Library.


Success for Listowel ladies at The Kingdom County Fair

This is Kelly Saint John. She alone made all of these crochet products to sell.

Kelly was very excited when I met her because she had won first prize for her beautiful colourful crochet throw.

Above is a close up detail of Kelly’s magnificent creation.

The apple did not fall far from the tree. Michelle Sommers, Kelly’s mother, won first prize for this beautiful quilling picture.


Would you like to try some Armenian Cuisine?

Now you can, right here in Listowel. You will have to travel no further than William Street. 

A new restaurant has opened in the old Mai Fitz’s. According to the sign it will serve Armenian and American food.

These young men were helping out on the opening day, May 11 2016.

Lovely photo of the knight

Tom Fitzgerald has kindly shared with us his lovely photo of the late Knight of Glin pictured with his wife, among his friends and neighbours at the wedding of his daughter.

A Knight of The Realm and a knight of the roads

Firstly Vincent has provided me with the source for the old song about Lord Listowel. It comes from the pen of D.C. Hennessey and is to be found in The Lays of North Kerry edited by Pádraig deBrún. I might get back to D.C. Hennessey at another time when Vincent gives me all the lowdown. I have a few more songs as well, all equally long and saccharine sweet.

Now to some more of Vincent’s memories, evoked by the recent passing of The Knight of Glin.

Vincent Carmody remembers,

I have a personal story about the late Knight of Glin. It was at  the time when I was gathering photographs in preparation for the printing of North Kerry Camera. I made contact with the Knight through the good offices of Padraig De Brun.

 I explained to the Knight the type of historical photographs that I required. Without hesitation he invited me down to Glin Castle and gave me permission to look through the various photographic albums stored in the library. Accompanying me, on a cold February night , was ace camera woman Gemma Hannon (mother of the lovely Aoife, just returned from representing Ireland in faraway Brazil in the Miss Universe competition).

 We copied many of the prints. Afterwards the Knight gave us a tour of the castle and invited us to sup some hot punch in the the sitting room in front of a blazing log fire. Marvelling at the size and grandeur of the place, I remarked to the Knight, “How did it escape from damage during the troubles?”  He replied, ” My grandfather, who was wheelchair bound, was in the castle one night when the boys (the IRA) burst in to the castle. After ordering the staff to leave, they found the Knight in his rooms.

“What do ye want?” asked the Knight.

 “We have come to burn the castle,” said the volunteers.

“Alright then, ye can burn me inside it also, “was the Knight’s reply.

That night, when we were in the castle, I asked Desmond Fitzgerald what was their reply. He said, the volunteers told the Knight that they would have to go back down to the village to replan. Luckily, they never went back to the castle and so this architectural gem has remained to this day.

There is a another story told, that a “Knight of the Irish roads”, one Michael Faulkner (who was a personal friend of the last Knight’s father) was in Shaughnessys pub in Glin one night. Some local man, entertaining American cousins decided to poke fun at Michael.

 “They say you are a friend of the Knights” asked the local, of Mikey.

 ” Aye, you’re right sir” said Mikey.

 “Well, if you are, how do you address him so?” said the local.

 Mikey thought, and said, ” Well, if I meets him by day, I’d say, “Goodday Knight,” and when I sees him by night, I’d say, “Goodnight Knight”.

Desmond John Villiers Fitzgerald, 29th Knight of Glin was a friend of the people of Glin and of the Irish Nation. May he rest in peace.   

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