This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Maura Derrane

Ladies’ Day at Listowel Races

Friday was always a day I loved to be on The Island. Sadly I won’t be there this year. So I’m going to relive happier times before we ever heard of Covid.

I am going to bring you a few photos of local people enjoying themselves in Septembers past.

Bishop Ray Browne came one year in the company of a some members of our parish council.

Collette and Seamus Stack are regulars at the races.

Simon and Lilly O’Flynn

Helen Kenny, Joan Kenny and Helen’s sister, Maisie

Sarah and Monica Quille with Madeleine O’Sullivan and Eilish Wren

Billy and Ursula O’Conor with Judy and Owen MacMahon

Maura Carmody and family

Noelle Hegarty and Bridie O’Rourke

Joan and Orla O’Connor

My friends John and Bridget O’Connor

Eileen Worts and Joe Broderick


Sights I hope to see again in September 2022

Pat Power and his marionettes outside Footprints

Traveller children in The Feale calling “Throw me down something.”

Race cards will cost a bit more than €3

Youngsters dressed up to the nines doing what youngsters do.

My friends Maria and Anne and maybe even a man with a daft hat.

Famous people like Jerry Hannon and Dáithí ÓSé

Interesting headwear

More famous people

Vintage Day.


Listowel on RTE, McKennas and Frances Kennedy and Ryanair

Courthouse Industrial Park, Listowel in Autumn 2017


One Sunday Night on RTE 2

Paul Murphy found this fascinating piece of memorabilia.

Does anyone remember the talking tournament?

Who took part?

Did we win?


Frances Kennedy on TV3

This is Frances Kennedy with Elizabeth Marince in The Seanchaí at the O’Donoghue reception. Frances is a very popular singer and storyteller who is always generous with her time and talents. Frances is a humble North Cork lady, now living in Listowel for many years. She doesn’t seek the limelight or push herself forward. But now the limelight has found Frances. Her friends in Cos. Kerry and Clare have uploaded numerous videos of Frances telling yarns or singing ballads and parodies. It was only a matter of time until one of these “went viral.”

This is what has happened recently. Someone googled Ryanair during the recent stand off with the pilots and our googler came upon Frances singing a gas parody by Killarney man, Eric Goodmanson.

Highwaymen in the Sky

Next thing Frances knows is she is being invited on to the Today with Maura and Dáithí show on TV3. She appeared and sang on the show on Monday and was a great success. Daithí has promised to have her back.

I snapped Maura Derrane of Maura and Daithí fame on her way home from Listowel Races recently. She was a judge at The Best Dressed Lady competition 2017


McKenna’s Then and Now

2017 and 1950s


Last of the Summer Greenery

Garden of Europe trees and shrubs

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