This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Moyvane Page 2 of 5

Observing the Pieties, Tidy Town Folk and a Fox Photo on my Trip to Kanturk and a library in Kildare

Long Tailed Tit

Photo by Pauline Doran , finalist in Irish Wildlife Trust’s Photography Competition.


Observing the Pieties

The following poem by the late Gary MacMahon was given to me by his brother, Owen. It is a great run through of all the old traditional practices in Kerry long ago. Thankfully many of these customs are still preserved here.

Observing the Pieties

Garry MacMahon

I confess I’m a creature of habit, as down life’s road I go

Observing annual rituals is a must for me, and so

Before the crib at Christmas Eve I kneel with all the clan

And on the feast of Stephen go to Dingle for the wran.

Then for sweet St. Brigid’s Day a straw cross I have made

To hang upon the threshold whereon it will be laid.

In the house of my Redeemer I chant a hymn of praise

My throat criss crossed with candles on the feast day of St. Blaise.

Shrove Tuesday I eat pancakes dipped in honey from the hive

And thank the Lord that yet I live and another year survived,

And when the long gospel is read before the end of Lent

Home I take the blessed palm and breathe its sacred scent.

On Good Friday I buy hot cross buns and before the day is past

Gather cockles from the sea shore and keep the old black fast

And then on Easter morn I rise to see the dancing sun come forth

Not forgetting Patrick’s Day between, as the shamrock I still sport.

The coming of the swallow, the awakening of the earth

The promise of a primrose I await with bated breath,

And lest ill luck should follow me and give me cause to grieve

I never bring whitethorn to the house upon May Eve.

June bonfires once I lighted on the feastday of St. John

A custom all but vanished as relentless time moves on.

July sees me hit for Milltown and Willie Clancy in the County Clare

In Marrinan’s pub I pay my sub and a song or two sing there.

And then its Munster Final time and the piper must be paid

To Thurles, Cork, Killarney the pilgrimage is made.

Again I fetch my fishing rod before the season’s out

Take the time to wet a line and coax elusive trout.

To the Pattern of the Virgin, from thence on to Puck Fair

The Races of Listowel come next and I’m certain to be there.

Dew drenched fields provide me with mushrooms gleaming white

While plump and juicy blackberries for my sore eyes are a sight.

When comes November of the souls and all the leaves are shed

Will you light a candle then for me as I do for the dead?

You’ve heard an old man’s story, each word I swear is true,

Be blessed thrice, take this advice I now implore of you

Don’t turn your back on dúchas or on history’s learned lore

And pass it on before it’s gone and lost forever more.


Working Hard on our Behalf

I met these hard working tidy towners on Tuesday May 7 2019. They were still working hard when I came out of my meeting.


Slow Mail in Moyvane in 1894

Kerry Sentinel Saturday, January 13, 1894; Page: 3


A move has been made by the inhabitants of Newtown and the surrounding district with a view of inducing the Post Office Officials to accelerate the postal service between Listowel and Newtown. At present letters posted in Listowel for Newton have first to go to Limerick, then to Tarbert, and from thence by foot to Newtown. The roundabout could be easily avoided by running a mail car direct from Listowel to Newtown, and it is to be hoped that the Post Office may recognise the benefits which the adoption of the change would effect, and the desirability of connecting Listowel more immediately with the surrounding districts.


Reynard, Up Close

This brave fellow stopped to pose for me  at my old home in Kanturk last week.


Kildare Town Library

I was in Kildare for the weekend and I took the opportunity to deliver some Listowel Writers’ Week brochures to the libraries round about. This is me delivering to the Kildare Town librarian, Orla.  Orla loved the programme and resolved there and then do to her best to come to the festival.  She is really knowledgeable about books and loves reading. Her library runs four book clubs!


Listowel Town Square, May 13 2019

Upgrade works have started. Should only take a few days.

Vicar Joe photobombed my picture.

Killarney. Listowel photos from 1994 and North Kerry Harriers in Moyvane

At the Tim Kennelly roundabout on an Autumn Sunday


By Killarney’s Lakes and Fells

I recently enjoyed a lovely day in “Beauty’s Home”

This fellow looked me right in the eye. There was a fence between us.


Torc waterfall 


Kerryman Christmas Supplement 1994

Some shopkeepers and shoppers from the Kerryman supplement of 24 years ago. The photgraphs for the paper were taken by Brendan Landy. I took photos of the photos as they appeared in the paper. Sorry for the very poor quality.

 Ann Heffernan serves Damien Stack in Ned Moriarty’s drapery shop.

Pat Hannon of Hannon’s Book Shop, 6 Main St. shows Clodagh O’Sullivan the range of books and magazines available.

Jim Halpin shows Michael O’Connell  a sea rod at his fishing and shooting supplies shop in Dirrha, Listowel.


North Kerry Harriers meet in Moyvane at the October Bank Holiday Weekend

(Photos by Elizabeth Brosnan….lots more on her Facebook page)

St. Mary’s, More from Visual Arts Week 2018 and some artistry in St. Mary’s

*  Clarification *

I have misinformed you.  The Primary Health Care Centre planned for Listowel will NOT be located at the old Presentation Convent.


Evening on Cnoc an Óir

Photo: Mike Enright


Moving Statue

This is the statue of The Infant of Prague in its new location in St. Mary’s, Listowel.

This is the niche where it used to be.

The picture commemorating the sisters of Presentation Convent Listowel has a new frame.

The Morrison icon is high on a pillar out of harm’s way.

These are some of the beautiful mosaics in St. Mary’s

These stained glass windows are in the side altar


An Artist comes to help an Artist

On the Friday of Listowel Visual Arts Week, Jim Dunn moved his work in progress to a shady spot on the opposite side of The Square. The Friday Market was in his old spot. Among the many people who came to lend a hand with the painting was local artist and sign writer, Martin Chute


Watering Their Roots

John O’Connell and his granddaughter, Clodagh bonding over a shared love of gardening.


Ordination in Moyvane, July 1 2018

Hundreds of people gathered yesterday in Moyvane church for the ordination of Sean Jones, the first priest ordained to the diocese of Kerry since 2007. It was an occasion to rejoice and give thanks to God. Listowel Choir enhanced the ceremony greatly with their glorious music. Following the ordination the community retired to the Community Centre for refreshements and the atmosphere was one of great celebration. Prayers are requested for the newly ordained Fr Sean Jones. This was a day which the community of moyvane was once again shown at its best, Well done all involved in making the event unique and truly memorable, Wishing Fr Sean all the best in his future ministry.

Pic Credit; Diocese of Kerry  Text: Moyvane on Facebook

Listowel Visitors, Moyvane Gardaí, Ballybunion in Julember

This week’s visitors were my three lovely lassies, Cora, Róisín and Aisling. I am quickly becoming an expert on what to do with children in Listowel for their holidays, so I’ll be sharing my adventures with you all.

The all time favourite activity, as voted by both boys and girls aged 11 to 6 was a night at The Kingdom Greyhound Stadium.

You get to watch the greyhound races from the comfort of your seat in the stadium. You can bet as little as €1 on any one of 6 dogs in each of the ten fast moving races. Even with no skill or knowledge you’ll be unlucky not to back one winner. You get to spend the evening in the company of lovely country people and German visiting tourists. If you’re hungry or thirsty, there’s food and drink on sale. Occasionally there is a bit of added excitement with a presentation or, on our visit, a Hen Party.


Moyvane’s  Squad Car…A Renault 4l

This photograph appeared on a site called Rare Irish stuff. There was no date or names. 

Moyvane Village identified the gardaí as Sergeant Jim Groarke and Garda John Behan. I’d guess the year as sometime in the 1960’s or 70’s


The Writing Bug continues into a new generation

I got this email from Bernie Bardsley;

Anthony Bardsley is my brother 
Great grandson of Thade Gowran
He has recently wrote a poem about a man called Jack Omar.
I would like to share with you.

The Lovely Irish Lad

I’m proud to be a
part Irish Man

Just by the Kerry
Green Turquoise Mountains the land is of good vegetation

Jack O’Mar the famous
boxing star is sure to go far

He’s six foot tall
and measured wide and thick set

I and my family
went to watch his great talent

We were talking to

Man he made us look
so small

I’m proud to be of
Irish kin

Baking on the blue
Irish Sea beach on the Kerry Isle and Abbey Field River, down to Killarney Bay
Where the lovely Fungi Dolphin swam

At the main shallow
water the young brave young Irish man

I am a part Irish
lad and poet who hasn’t completely had this day yet, more to come, see the
light of day

The poet realises
how lucky he is for he’s well thought of

The poet arises in
the morning and slept all day and night

The poet went to
dingle bay where his plan lay and his eye looked to the blue sky and realised where
paradise was today and went to the Irish country side and saw the Irish cattle,
sheep and Bonan pigs in the field thinking of the day and making my plans away

Jack O’mar the
famous boxing star talked all night and day to the commentator and filming the
view and sight of him on a camera

This paradise Irish
land is so grand

Being on a horse
and saddle down dingle bay where my mother used to swim in the sea

Then one day a
scuffling fight and a match someone punched Jack and knocked him out, in dismay
he fell to the ground and died

And in his
remembrance and ancestry his children played in the park having a good time
remembering their father in dismay.

Anthony Bardsley                                                                                      
July 2017


Ballybunion on a wintry Summer evening

Even on a cold and overcast summer evening Ballybunion looks spectacular.

My young visitors were delighted to see that a funfair had arrived since we were last here. I’m not so sure its a welcome addition to the attractions of Ballybunion.

Mick McCarthy, Strictly Moyvane and some Listowel folk

A Thrush  (photo; Chris Grayson)


Dust off Your Dancing Shoes


Mick McCarthy 

(from this Facebook page ;

Mick McCarthy was born on April 20th,
1918, in Listowel, Co Kerry, one of the 10 children of Ned McCarthy and his
wife, Maggie (née Roche). His father was the caretaker and groundsman of St
Michael’s College, and the family lived in the gate lodge. 
He attended the
Presentation Convent, and he completed his education at the local national
school, where the writer Bryan MacMahon taught.

His mother was a member of Cumann na
mBan, and the family home was raided by the Black and Tans; two of his uncles
were imprisoned during the Civil War. McCarthy never lost his republicanism,
although he adhered to the left and favoured persuasion over coercion – particularly
in relation to Northern Ireland.

At 14 he found work with a building
contractor and he later tried his hand at metalwork locally. When work dried
up, he left home and travelled to Limerick, where he hoped to join the Army.
However, new recruits were not being accepted, and he stowed away on a
cattle-boat bound for Liverpool. From there he hitched to London.

After a stint as a messenger, he got
a job as a tea-boy on a building site. A bricklayer took him under his wing and
he learned “Flemish bond and an old English bond, how to spread mortar,
how to use a hammer and chisel, and how to cut closures”.

At the outset of his apprenticeship,
he joined the bricklayers’ union. With fellow-members, he was in the thick of
things at the “Battle of Cable Street” – when anti-fascist
demonstrators sought to prevent Sir Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts marching into
the East End – and was injured and hospitalised.

He was caught up in other battles,
too. The political climate of the 1930s meant that strikes were hard-fought,
with no quarter given by either side.

Still in his teens, McCarthy married
in 1936; he was just 19 when the first of two sons was born. During the second
World War he served with the RAF in west Africa, where he excelled as a
champion middle-distance runner.

Returning to Belfast, he became
chairman of the bricklayers’ union

Mick is often fondly remembered
telling stories of “his days as a shop-steward in Belfast during the war,
when he brought the building workers on a US army base out on strike, and lived
to tell the tale.

Ever loyal to the trade union
movement, during the British miners’ strike in the 1980s he organised a group
of Irish musicians to tour mining communities. Later, in 1988, he helped the
Dublin Council of Trade Unions to celebrate its centenary.

In the 1950s he was, with Martin
Brown, a partner in a building business in Dublin. Attracted to the licensed
trade, he bought Kate Kennedy’s Embankment in Tallaght and transformed a
country pub into a popular entertainment complex.

Legend has it that when Bob Dylan
visited Dublin during his 1966 World Tour, he asked a taxi driver to take him
to a place where he could hear some good music. He ended up at The Embankment
in Tallaght. 

As usual, the pub was thronged and
the doorman said, “No admittance.” “But it’s Bob Dylan,” the taxi man
protested. The doorman had never heard of him but with some persistence, Bob
was eventually allowed in. On stage, a group of young men called The Dubliners
were playing and he was captivated. Most likely Bob stayed on the premises well
past the legal closing hour, as was customary.

The Embankment was the ‘El Dorado’ of
live music venues and haunt of many a wild night for over two decades, from
1963 to 1985, and gave a spotlight to a host of singers and musicians such as
Liam Clancy and Tommy Macken, The Fureys & Davy Arthur, Paddy Reilly and

The man behind them all was Mick
McCarty .

Copies of Mick’s biography ”
Early Days” may still be bought online if one is lucky and for such a man
who led a full life its has to be an interesting read. 

Mick McCarthy passed away in 2004 .

Extracts taken from articles of The
Irish Times and Ireland’s Own…/the-brickie-who-gave-ballads-a-…


They’re Going Dancing again in Moyvane

Well before Aidan O’Mahony made it cool for GAA people to go ballroom dancing Moyvane GAA had started a trend.

L-R) Front row: Caroline Maune, Doreen Enright, Aoife McCarthy, Cait McEllistrem, Michelle Kennelly, Frances Leahy, Carmel Collins, Nicola O’Leary, Sarah NicCraith and Kerry Stack. 

Back row: Noel Stack, James Kennelly, Matthew O’Gorman, Tommy O’Donoghue, Donal Leahy, Padraig Kearney, Ian McCarthy, Paudie Keane, Oliver ‘Jap’ Carmody and Brian Stack.

This is the line up of dancers who are going to dance to movie tunes  in the April 30th fundraiser.


People I met on my Morning Walk

I love to meet lovely local people at random on my walk. I really love if they allow me to take their picture with no “I’ve no make up on.” or  “I look a sight.” or other evasion. Three such people I met recently were the Careys and Mary Costelloe… some of Listowel’s finest citizens.

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