This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: railway

old North Kerry line, Ty class

Morning all!

On this day Jan 30 in 1913 The House of Lords rejected the Home Rule Bill.

I have been doing a bit of research on the internet over the weekend and I have found a few interesting scraps for you. These scraps include the above fact.

For railway buffs and lovers of nostalgia, the following link will take you to some old super 8 footage of the old North Kerry line from Adare to Fenit filmed in August 1986.

Next up is from Life magazine, great old pictures from Ireland of yesteryear, including

O’Connell Bridge, Dublin in 1914

Now to what’s happening at home.

This is the TY class in Pres. Listowel on Friday. Ger Greaney and I were helping them research their ancestors  and to form an appreciation of our heritage.

While I was out with my camera I snapped a few signs of the times in town.

This sign refers to the fact that John Chute, barber, has closed down his own barber shop and is now working in His and Hers.

 This poster reminds us that better days are ahead and an outing for us all on St. Patrick’s Day.

And finally this one which I had to cross the road to see. For a minute I thought that Bob Marley was coming to town!

old railway line now The John B. Keane Rd.

The John B. Keane Road is an invaluable asset to the town. It takes much of the heavy traffic from the streets. Plans for the Listowel bypass are at an advanced stage but with the parlous state of the economy I do not expect to see it in my lifetime.

Bothar Sheáin B. ÓCatháin runs where the old railway line once ran. What a tale that soil could tell!

 I’d love to hear any old stories about the railway or the people who worked on it.

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