This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Royal. China

Signs of the Times, Old Cures and Memory of a Night Out in Glin Castle

St. John’s in May 2020


Won’t be Too Many Tourists in Summer 2020


Signs of the Times we Live In

Because businesses had to close down very hastily in March 2020 in accordance with the government guidelines, Listowel shopowners had to bid a very abrupt farewell to their customers. I am going to bring you a selection of the closure notices displayed in local windows.

I warn you in advance that I found it hard to take photographs through glass.

Listowel Library

Aras an Phiarsaigh behind a wild meadow.

Vincent de Paul shop

Sheahan’s is open with social distancing measures in place.

Royal China


I posted this last week and it struck a chord with many people. Nicholas Leonard contacted me to remind us that Zam-Buk was another staple in Irish mothers’ medicine cabinets. I had never heard of it but apparently it’s enjoying a moment recently due to the pandemic. We used to have pink antiseptic ointment in our house.

My mother’s remedy for a stye in a child’s eye was to rub it with your “fasting spit”. I thought this was an old wife’s tale but Nicholas told me that it’s a well known cure. Google it.

Nicholas says;  The fasting spit is a very ancient remedy for eye problems- the Jews were believers in using fasting spittle for eye maladies, so much so that they considered it a medicine which came under the prohibition of providing medicinal aid on the Sabbath- unless in cases of peril. Our Lord also used spittle to good effect in healing a blind man- though it may be me more proper to say it was not the spittle, but the Lord’s touch that caused the miracle.

Nicholas also shared another “cure” with us.

The cure for warts that a school-mate gave me was as follows: get ten ivy leaves; throw one away(!) rub the remaining nine leaves on the wart(s) and then bury them where no-one would walk on them. After a certain number of days the wart(s) would disappear. I did not believe it would work, but did as I was instructed. I buried the nine used leaves on the top of a high ditch, under a thorn hedge. I then forgot all about  the matter. After a week, I noticed that the warts had gone! Being a direct descendant of Doubting Thomas, I figured that the warts were probably due to fall off in any case, though I had them for a long time. I never had warts again.

Health warning: Neither Nicholas nor I is a  doctor so we are telling you these things for their entertainment value only.


A Winter Night with the Knight

Some Presentation Secondary School teachers on a night out in Glin castle a good few years ago.

R.I.P Sr. Nuala and the Knight of Glin


Out and About with Camera in May 2020

I met David and Eileen O’Shaughnessey on Upper Church Street.

Listowel in Lockdown, April 2020

April 2020…..Glimpses of a Town in Lockdown

Cherrytree in bloom in the closed Pitch and Putt course

The cinema is closed and the old Walshe’s Ballroom doesn’t presently have a business .

 Upper William Street from the old Casa Mia to the old post office.

 St. Vincent de Paul shop closed.

No music at Mike the Pies

 Not a living soul, hog, dog nor devil, on the street

Carmody’s Corner and Charles Street

 Royal China are operating a take away service only. In the age old fashion of Chinese restaurants, it’s all about numbers. You get a number when you place your order. When your meal is ready they display your number on to the inside window sill and you collect at the hatch.

The Mermaids

 Tracey Grimes’, that used to be Moriarty’s

William Street, Listowel in lockdown

Billy is still flying the flag at John B.’s.

Market Street

McKenna’s and Chemco

Customers are not allowed in the shop at McKenna’s but you can collect your order at the door.

This is the corner where John B.’s famous corner boys hung out.

Lower William Street

This window reminds us of happier times. There will be no Tidy Town competition this year but our town looks spotless anyway.

Looking into Main Street, the sign on Broderick’s Pharmacy window reminds us to wash our hands. Hand hygiene is one of the three main planks of our fight to slow the progress of Covid 19. The others  are social distancing, staying at least 2 metres apart,  cough etiquette and cocooning the vulnerable members of our community.

The kids are all indoors. Confirmation Day has been and gone and Communion Day will pass without a day out too.

Ah, Revival! Not cancelled yet but big question marks hang over it due to the difficulty of following  social distancing guidelines

Lower Church Street

Main Street

At Listowel Racecourse

No June race meeting this year and the Harvest Festival meeting is in question as well.


Life in Isolation

Stuck at home / safe at home

I have not felt the touch of a human hand for the past six weeks but  I have been touched, supported and loved by means I didn’t even know existed two months ago.

Covid 19 has been an enormous learning experience for us all.  I can use words and phrases like serology testing, R0 rate, herd immunity, community transmission and comorbidities. I could certainly now pick Dr. Tony Holohan or Dr. Philip Nolan out of a lineup of suited gentlemen.

Best of all I have learned how much I am loved and appreciated. My family have come up trumps. The love that was always there has taken concrete form in daily phone calls, postcards and endless text messages and memes. My neighbours, my friends and my former colleagues are a constant presence in  my life. People I have not heard from in years have rung or texted. The Christmas card list has come to life in April.

Things will never return to how they were. Almost overnight constants in our lives like work, church, school, the gym, the restaurant, the pub,  the match were all swept away in a surge of social distancing, working from home, self isolation and lockdown.

We will eventually emerge from this to a new normal, much chastened by our experience and hopefully, with a new appreciation of the little things.

Chinese New Year and Listowel Celtic

Today we celebrate the Chinese New Year and in honor of this I’m posting photos of Listowel’s Chinese connection. And because it’s the year of the dragon I’m not forgetting Manny, Listowel’s very own bearded dragon. Monday is his day off anyway so he will be celebrating in the peace and quiet which he loves.

While on my trip to town to photograph Royal China I encountered a familiar Sunday morning sight. Listowel Celtic were gathering at Carmody’s Corner for their trip to their Sunday game.

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