This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at
St. Mary’s Listowel on March 24 2023, Confirmation Day
Vehicles in St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2023
Vintage vehicles are a part of St. Patrick’s Day tradition in Listowel.
Tony O’Callaghan, Artist in Copper
Tony O’Callaghan of Listowel had presentation pieces commissioned for many prestigious people.
David O’Sullivan found these newspaper accounts of President ODalaigh’s visit to North Kerry. He was presented with a Tony O’Callaghan copper plaque by Listowel Town Council.
Some other examples of O’Callaghan’s work, treasured by their Listowel owners;
Daffodil Day 2023
Some of the collectors who were out and about on March 24 2023.
Fitzpatricks, Church Street Listowel February 2023
Must be Thursday
Celtic Crosses
Ever wondered where the circle around the arms of the cross came from?
Wonder no more. My friend, Catherine Moylan, learned why at a course in West Kerry.
When evangelists came to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity, they observed that we were very attached to our pagan gods. These were gods of Nature and the solar system. They reckoned they wouldn’t stand a chance of converting us unless they included element of pre-Christian symbolism and belief.
They put a sun into the cross to marry symbols of the sun god and the Christian god…Result a Celtic Cross.
The Navigator
When I was in St. Mary’s photographing the mosaic saints I missed St. Brendan because the spotlight on him was too strong. Helen turned off the spotlight and ta da…here he is with his bishop’s crook and his boat.
A piece from The Irish Times in 2007 has surfaced again lately. It’s well worth a read.
Carrolls of course 2007
Overlooking the square in Listowel, MJ Carroll has met the town’s hardware requirements – and more – for nearly 100 years, writes Rose Doyle
The square in Listowel, Co Kerry – even allowing for the Kingdom’s well-known modesty – is without a doubt one of the loveliest in any town in the country. It helps that there’s a picturesque old church at its centre, and that there are ivy-clad and other buildings of venerable age in good condition all around.
One of the latter, rapidly heading for its 100th year on the square, is home to the MJ Carroll Hardware store – it has been there since 1908. You can’t miss it: the name and legend are a part of the square, the date over the door for all to see.
Maurice Carroll, with his brother John, runs the business today. It’s changed since 1908 but, in the way of companies with community roots, has somehow stayed the same. The Carrolls have diversified, of course, the emphasis no longer on the agricultural supplies which were the bread-and-butter of the earlier shop, when customers wanted and got potato diggers and prams, ammunition and guns and petrol from the pump outside the door.
MJ Carroll Hardware these days supplies everything from electrical and gardening supplies to household goods and DIY needs and timber, but all of it, as ever, in answer to the needs of the citizens of Listowel and hinterland.
Maurice Carroll, on a sunny Sunday with only the quietest of buzzes on the square outside, tells the story of the hardware store, how his grandfather, an earlier Maurice Carroll, established the business in 1908. “He came from Ballylongford,” says Maurice, “and started off originally with hardware and poultry. He used to pluck chickens, woodcock and snipe for export to England. They had chicken pluckers in the laneway behind.”
His grandfather, Maurice, married Catherine Welsh, whose people were publicans in the town. She and Maurice Carroll had one child, a boy they called John Joe who grew up to be father to Maurice and John, today’s custodians of the business.
“My grandfather and grandmother lived over the shop, always,” Maurice explains. “We’re a bit lacking in history because my grandfather died in 1928 and my grandmother Catherine about 1948. I’ve no memories of either of them. My father, John Joe Carroll, was born in 1912; he was well-known locally and developed the business well. We were into farm machinery in the 1920s and 1930s. My father was sent away to school in Roscrea when he was about 14. He was able to drive, even then, and never spent a day in the classroom! The chief abbot had him driving him around to other monasteries and convents. He didn’t do a Leaving Cert or a thing – he made the contacts in the monasteries and schools and convents and developed his head for business.”
Catherine Carroll looked after things when her husband died and, in 1930, her son John Joe came on board. He loved it, had an instinctive feel for marketing and increased awareness of MJ Carroll Hardware with large hoardings outside the town (one encouraged a viewing of the famous Stanley Ranges at Carrolls), drove much emblazoned, free-delivery vans and came up with the slogan “Carrolls of course” – in use to this day.
He married when he was 40, to Elizabeth (Lila) O’Sullivan from Tarbert who had, her son says, “a hardware background as well; she worked in Roches Stores in Limerick and in Cork.”
Growing up over the shop, Maurice, who was born in 1953, remembers the square and Listowel as “magic. Fair days were held every two weeks in the square. People would come in at 5am or 6am to sell cattle, from all around the countryside. It was the market in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. As a child, it was great to go out in the morning early and get 6d from a farmer to mind his cattle.” He pauses. “There was a lot of drinking involved.”
He has pictures galore, of a square filled with high sided donkey and horse drawn carts, with animals and men in long coats and caps.
MJ Carroll in those years, and for a long time, sold milk churns and “a big thing at the time”, Maurice says, “O’Dearest Mattresses. Prior to the TV in 1961 O’Dearest had an ad with an old woman putting money into a mattress. They lent us the model and during race week we would have crowds at the window queuing up to see her putting the money away, doing the same thing every few minutes.”
The square was magic, too, when he was a child. “You could play football in it. There were only 4,000 people in the town, a figure that never changed much, even to today. It’s a lovely town and one of the finest squares in Ireland.
“Listowel has hosted the races for the last 150 years and the Fleadh Cheoil about 12
to 13 times. It was ‘Writers’ Week’ which really put the town on the map.”
And the shop, of course, was magic when he was growing up. “There wasn’t a day you didn’t have something to do; it was full of old-fashioned boxes and such. I remember the bank manager next door getting presents of turkeys at Christmas and them flying over the wall. It was that rural!
“There was a great staff, 25 or so, a lot of them stayed for years and years. I remember Patsy Leahy, Dan Kennelly, Pat Shine. There was no boss/employer relationship, everyone just worked together. Tom Dillon was with us 44 years and retired only lately.”
Maurice was sent to school in Clongowes, to where his father would drive to see him in the van, which “would be plastered with writing”, Maurice remembers, “you’d have every priest and pupil looking at it. I used to be mortified. Other pupils would have dads pulling up in a Mercedes!”
John Joe Carroll died in 1968. Maurice, the eldest, was 14; sisters Olive, Pamela and brother John were younger.
“Everyone loved him,” Maurice says, “he had a colossal following.”
His mother, Lila, took over. She still lives over the shop and only very recently, now she’s in her 80s, stopped coming down every day. “People liked her being in the shop, she used talk about the old days. Up to 10 years ago the place was old-fashioned, the way it always was. But a fire destroyed a lot of it and we had to rebuild. Only the front wall remained.”
Before he died John Joe Carroll set up a builders’ providers in Listowel. “It happened piece-meal,” Maurice explains. “There were no builders’ providers around here at the time. I look after it now and it’s doing very well. My brother does the furniture and electrical part of things.
“We’ve a staff of 12 or 13 and have been part of the ARRO group of suppliers for 25 years.”
Maurice and his wife, Mairead, have two daughters, Emma and Sarah, in their early 20s and studying at UCD. Maurice doesn’t think they’ll join the business. John and his wife, Anne-Marie, have a daughter, Maire, who at 14 is still at school and not, for now, likely to join the firm.
“Next year is our 100th year,” Maurice reflects a moment, on the past and on the future. “We’ll take it on from there,” he says.
The biggest change to Listowel is the increased traffic. “That and more and more new faces, both our own people and other nationalities. It’s a good thing, there’s more movement going on.
“Listowel is a nice town, a nice looking town too. The community is great, but then you get that everywhere in Ireland when people mix together.
“There’s a culture change from drinking to eating with about 20 restaurants now and, where there once was about 60 pubs, about 15 to 20 now.”
Listowel’s Oldest Mural?
Is this VW on Tarrant’s gable the oldest mural in town.
Gerard Leahy grew up in Market Street across the road from the garage, 60 years ago and he remembers it.
Ned O’Sullivan lived next door to Tarrants and he reckons it was painted in 1960 or 61.
Unfortunately the artist didn’t sign his name but Violet Dalton would bet her bottom dollar it was a Chute.
Lovely Paint Job at Lees
Job finished and looking great on Church Street.
Another Business Closure
It’s Lent
Lenten display in St. Mary’s, Listowel in February 2023.
On this very day, February 15, in 1971 we officially changed from £sd to decimal currency. We had spend 2 years preparing for the changeover. We thought we’d never get used to it but we soon realised that life had got way easier and lighter.
To remind you of the good old days
There were 2 halfpennies in a penny, which we denoted with a d. There used to be farthings but we won’t go there)
There were 12 pence in a shilling which we sometimes balled a bob.
There was a threepence and sixpence which did what it said on the tin.
We had a 2 shilling piece and and a 2shillings and sixpence piece. We called this a half crown because there used to be a crown.
We won’t bother with the paper money but there was a guinea favoured by buyers and sellers of horses (No, I have no idea.) This was one pound and one shilling.
See what I mean when I said it got easier?
Mosaics in St. Mary’s
On Feb. 1, St. Brigid’s Day, I brought you pictures of a few windows featuring our second patron saint. At mass that morning Canon Declan pointed out a mosaic of St. Bridget in our own parish church. My friend, Helen, our sacristan, pointed out the exact location of the mosaic to me. It is one of several saints perched very high up at either side of the main altar.
St. Brigid, ora pro nobis
She is dressed as a nun. We know she founded many convents and monasteries. She was an equal opportunities saint and welcomed both men and women into her orders. In her left hand she has an oak branch. St. Brigid founded her famous double monastery under an oak tree in Kildare town in the 5th Century. Hence the name Cill Dara, Church of the Oak. She has a bishop’s crosier under her right arm. Legend has it that she was the first female bishop. I dont know what she has in her right hand. It looks to me like some sort of lamp, a bit like the one Aladdin rubbed. It may be something to do with the fire that is associated with her. If you know what it is please tell me.
This is St. Ita
St. Patrick
The fourth mosaic saint is St. Brendan but the spotlight on him was too strong to photograph on the day I visited the church. Interestingly, St. Patrick’s crosier seems to be topped with a celtic cross in place of the traditional shepherd’s crook.
St. Patrick is also celebrated in St. Mary’s on one of the wall plaques.
A Facelift on Church Street
This premises is being painted a nice cheery colour.
It has some lovely celtic strap work being painted in a contrasting shade of green.
Memories, Memories
For many years my summer morning routine involved a walk with my husband, Jim. Here he is bowling along beside the then Super Valu in Mill Lane.
Jim loved to stop and chat. Here he is with the late Dan Browne. May they both rest in peace.
Dublin Custom House at Christmas 2022 Photo: Éamon ÓMurchú
A Poem
Hard to believe it’s 10 years
Christmas long ago
Mike Moriarty’s photo of children playing with the Christmas toys in Walshes of Listowel in the 1950s.
Dec 1950 Walshe’s
St. Mary’s, Listowel at Christmas 2022
Some images from our lovely church at Christmastime:
In The Square
St. JohnsOur treeour cribour bauble
Vincent Carmody remembers the Wren Boys
Wren boys by Vincent Carmody
The wren-boy tradition on St. Stephen’s Day is unfortunately, now nearly a thing of the past. Now, only a few small groups, or individuals carry on a tradition, the origins of which, are lost in the mists of time. In the time of the big batches of wren-boys, under the leadership of their King, these group’s would traverse the country roads all day, and as evening and night approached, they would head for the larger urban areas to avail of the richer pickings in the public houses.
The North Kerry area was well catered for, with two large groupings in the Killocrim/Enismore and Dirha West areas, There was also a strong tradition in the Clounmacon side of the parish.
Some time after the wrens-day, it was the custom to organise a wren-dance. Then the date was picked and a house offered to host the dance, The dances were all night affairs, with liberal quantities of food and drink provided.
In the early 1960’s I spent three years in London. during which, I worked in a pub, The Devonshire Arms, in Kensington, for a year or so. At this time, The Harvest Festival Committee, under Dr. Johnny Walsh, organised the wren-boy competitions in Listowel. Mr Johnny Muldoon, of London, had met Dr Johnny in Listowel and told him that he would organise two dances in his Dance Hall’s in London, provided that the Listowel committee send over three or four wren-boys to be in attendance. During their stay in London, Dan Maher, who managed the Devonshire, invited the Listowel contingent to the pub. On the particular evening I was serving in the lounge bar. (the pub was a gathering place for many Film and TV actors who would have lived nearby). Suddenly Dr.Johnny, threw the double door open, and in came the Listowel wren-boys, led by the leader, Jimmy Hennessy, Jimmy, wearing a colourful pants, had only some fur skin over his shoulders and chest and a headpiece with two horns, the others followed, faces blackened, and wearing similar outfits, all beating bodhrans. To say the least, those present did not have an idea what was happening, To this day, I can hear the remark which one man, Sir Bruce Setan, (he, of Fabian of the Yard) at the counter said to the other, Christopher Trace (of Blue Peter fame), “Blimey, they’re coming in from the jungle. They will kill us all. There was no one killed, and I think that Jimmy Hennessy enjoyed drinking pints of Guinness and pressing the flesh, surrounded by people he usually saw, only in the Plaza and Astor.