This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: St. Patrick’s Day 2018 Page 1 of 4

St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2018, Tom McGreevy and an IWA Fashion Show

Ballybunion at Easter


IWA Fashion Show

On Saturday March 24 2018 the local IWA branch held their first ever fashion show at their shop in William Street. Fashion Shows by their nature involve a lot of hard work and this was all done voluntarily in this case, so thanks, ladies for a very enjoyable evening.

 These are some of the hard working volunteers, looking a bit nervous before their big night.

Eilish Stack was our experienced compere for the evening. Teresa Hannon was browsing through the stock, all of which was for sale on the night.

Some early arrivals

 The scene was set with rails of clothes, tea and confectionery and lots of great spot prizes.

There were some lovely garments on some beautiful volunteer models. The show ended with this beautiful wedding dress. Some items were brand new with tags still on and every thing was for sale at bargain prices. Charity shops are always worth a look. You will nearly always find something to tempt you.


More from the 2018 St. Patrick’s Day Parade


Thomas McGreevy and the late Pope John Paul 11

Listowel St. Patrick’s Day 2018 and Rás Mumhan in Listowel March 31 2018

In Listowel Town Square


More Floats and participants in St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2018


Rás Mumhan 2018

On Easter Saturday, March 31 2018 Rás Mumhan had a stage start from Páic Mhic Shithigh Listowel. I snapped a few of the riders leaving.

There’s nothing like the support of family.

Last week it was all motorbikes and cartoon characters.


Good news from Athea Tidy Towns’

Artist James Dunn and members of Athea Tidy Towns inspecting the mural recently. Thankfully the mural has escaped with little damage. James has very kindly offered his time to repair &restore to its former glory. A concrete wall has recently been constructed at the location and it is also hoped to construct a roof like structure with solar lighting to protect the mural from the elements and also to illuminate the mural at night. Watch this space !

Local clubs on Parade in Listowel 2018 and Bromore Cliff Walk on a sunny Sunday.

Easter 2018

Easter now is all about Bunnies and chicks.

In Scribes Brigita and Melita were trying a new confection, a nest of eggs…delicious according to my young tasters.

Brigita is conscious that she must keep the old Lithuanian traditions alive for the next generation. Here she shows me her hard boiled eggs decorated with colourful transfers. In her home town people exchange these on Easter morning, no bunnies chicks or chocolate here.


St. Patrick’s Day in Listowel 2018

Owen MacMahon was the very able M.C.

Liam Brennan was a convincing St. Patrick.


Ballybunion with My Visitors

On Sunday March 25 I took my boys to Bromore Cliff Walk and afterwards we had a snack in Coast. I met some lovely people and learned a bit of History

The weather was lovely and there were lots of people out on the beach and on the cliffs.

Ballybunion is a great place to show children first hand coastal features that they are learning about in Geography. Here the boys are looking at a blow hole.

Ruth and Jimmy were talking the cliff walk and enjoying a rare beautiful Sunday.

The Virgin Rock is perfect example of a sea arch.

The Nuns’ Beach

 Jimmy O’Quigley told me that this old ruin was once a jail. I had always presumed it was a shepherd’s cottage. Then we got round to the other side of it the boys explored it with their new knowledge in mind. I don’t think it could have held too many prisoners.

In Coast we met Jim and Noreen Quinlan from Listowel. Jim was one of the stars of Listowel Folk Group’s great singing of the mass of the mass in Irish on St. Patrick’s Day 2018.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2018, 1984 All Stars and Holy Week in St. John’s Ballybunion

Listowel Castle in Spring Sunshine


St. Patrick’s Day in Listowel 2018


Listowel All Stares

Way back in 1984 Listowel Badminton Club organised an all star awards evening for the sports clubs of the town. Here are some of the newspaper cuttings Dave O’Sullivan found when I asked him to see if the papers had anything about this event.


Holy Week

Today is Good Friday, the day on which we, Catholics commemorate the crucifixion of Christ.

This week I visited Ballybunion’s beautiful church with my young visitors and I was surprised to see that the old custom of draping the statues in purple is still observed in this magnificent church.

I couldn’t remember why the statues were draped so I made enquiries and it is so that all the focus is on the passion as depicted in the Stations of the Cross.

Ballybunion’s St. John’s is an artistic triumph. It’s architecture, its mosaic tilework and its stained glass and statues rival any that you will see in the finest churches in the land.

In Easter 2018 I saw a installation depicting the scene at Calvary on the first Good Friday.

At points around the church aisles are various gorgeous artworks on the Calvary theme.

St. Patrick’s day 2018, final episode of Vincent and Lars Larsson

Photo: Chris Grayson


Humans of Listowel, March 17 2018

Here are some more photos I took before and during the parade on St. Patrick’s Day 2018

Christy Walsh washed his van in preparation for the parade.

Martin McCarthy and Ailís OSuilleabháin were preparing to welcome Rith and Micheál O Muircheartaigh to Listowel.

A Zumba session was in full swing in Main Street.


A Chance Meeting illustrates that Truth is surely often stranger than fiction

Read yesterday’s and the day before’s episodes to get the full story…… 

(Vincent Carmody is St. Michael’s Cemetery with two Swedish visitors who are looking for a grave.)

When we went the grave, which is marked by an inscribed flat stone with
iron railings, it was covered by thick low branches of a thorn bush, with the
stone unreadable, I went across the road to a garage and got a shovel. Returning,
I quickly cut away the bush, which allowed the details to be seen,

Lars Larsson, 1872-1929.

So, on that lovely summers evening in the 1990’s, I stood and heard the
visitors recite the Lord’s Prayer in their native tongue. They were delighted
to have found the grave of the man which they learned of first, on a page, in a
foreign language.  I was happy to have
been the conduit through which I first learned of the Swede, sitting with
Dotie, many years previously.

James Cronin was married to Ellen O Sullivan on November 27th

Ellen Cronin died 1926

James Cronin died 1940.

Mary Ellen Cronin (Dotie) 1901-1993.

Lars Larsson was born in Sweden in 1872; he came to Listowel to work as
a Creamery Engineer/ Fitter at the behest of George R Browne, who was
proprietor of a number of private creameries in the North Kerry area.

Larsson lived in lodgings at Upper Church Street with an O’Connor
family; he is listed as a boarder in both the 1901 and 1911 census. In these,
his place of birth is given as Sweden and his religion is ‘Protestant

Lars is listed in Civil Records as ‘found dead’ on the 21 January 1929; an
inquest on the 27th January found that his death was due to heart

The house, now number 76, was subsequently bought by Ita Brosnan, who
afterwards married Willy Keane. I spoke to Paddy Keane about Larsson; he told
me that his father once came across some papers which might have belonged to Lars;
Paddy assumes that they were thrown away. He also told me that on a web site
that allows you access to old newspapers, to which he is a contributor, he came
across at one stage, a piece detailing notables from the town who had made
financial contributions to the local Feis.  Larsson had given five bob, which, as
Alo Sheehy would have said, was “not to be sniffed at”.




In the papers

Examiner of 17-4-1924 

Promoters of Listowel Toffee Factory held meeting in the premises of the old factory. Mr Medill presided. Present were George F Gleasure. P Browne, J J Walsh, P Landers, E Stack, T Corridan, T F Cotter, T O Connell, assistant clerk of the union, William Elder, H Larsson, T T Cronin, Etc. They hoped to open the business to provide employment, a deputation was to canvass businesses in the town to enlist support, could open within a month or six weeks.


(It would appear that that canvass was successful as the Toffee factory di open and provided employment for many years.)

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