This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Tomás ÓSé

Book Launches and Writers at Writers’ Week 2015 and a trip to Kildare

There are few things more enjoyable in the annual Writers’ Week programme than the launch of a book by a local author. This year I missed Mary Kennelly’s and Matt Mooney’s events but I made John MacAulliffe’s in The Seanchaí. It was a really popular event and could have done with a bigger venue.  John is  much more than a local poet. He is now intentionally recognized .

 Barney and Anne O’Reilly with Mairead Pierse

 Section of the huge attendance

 Lucy MacAulliffe with her daughter Catherine and grandson

 Madeleine O’Sullivan who introduced the launch

 John MacAulliffe with his English teacher from St. Michael’s, Pat Given.

 Lucy with John’s wife and son


Children’s Author visits Athea Primary School.

This is Andrew Cope and his wife Louise at The National Children’s Literary Festival at Listowel Writers’ Week 2015. Andrew writes the very popular Spy Dog and Spy Puppy children’s books.

It was my pleasure to be assigned to be his driver for the day. Andrew’s job was to visit Athea Primary School and to read from his novels and talk to the children about writing.

I gave him a quick tour of the village. He was happy to leave his worries behind at the worry tree. Andrew has studied the science of happiness and he is a very popular motivational speaker in his native U.K. He has developed a  course called The Art of Being Brilliant. Maybe he will be back with that next year.

Andrew with the principal and some staff members in Athea.

Athea pupils enjoyed Andrew’s stories and helped him with ideas for another one.

Boys queueing up for Andrew’s autograph.


“Straight I will repair to The Curragh of Kildare”

I spent a few days last week with my family in Kildare.

Plans were well under way for the weekend’s big event, The  Derby

My hosts, Sean McKenna and Clíona Cogan

I’ll tell you more about my  trip soon.


Black is the new white

Irish Independent photo of U.S. skateboarding star, Tony Hawk and his bride. They were married recently in Adare Manor.


Tomás Ó Sé’s Sunday Game Clobber

Tomás Ó Sé gave the commentators on Twitter a great night on Sunday when he rocked up in a tux.

Here are a few of the best comments:

Anyone know who Tomás Ó Sé is playing in the snooker?

The name’s Ó’ Sé; Tomás Ó Sé

Did Tomás get dressed out of Dónal Óg Cusack’s locker?

Is Tomás Ó Sé going to his Debs later?

But the best came from a Kerry supporter;

The man has five All Ireland medals. He can wear what he likes.

Homecoming heroes, A trip to the Island, Listowel Races 2014

Just like The Good Old Days

John Kelliher has this and more great photos of the homecoming on his page here;

Kerry Team home with Sam

It was a joyous return to The Kingdom for the 2 teams. In Killarney, the hugely talented Tomás ÓSé and Donnchadh Walsh show that they are not just footballers. Enjoy this!


Walking to the Races 2014

These men were selling Kerry favours to those going to the match or even to some who intended watching it  on TV.

Across the Square you could buy fast food, a flag or a republican poster.

 I encountered a past pupil of mine doing a steady trade in gourmet take away food. Her business is called Lizzie’s Little Kitchen and you can sample her wares at the Friday Listowel market. A touch of London catering in our home town!

Given the fine weather, Moloney’s was doing a steady trade in ice cream. Lotto and newspapers were popular buys as well.

At the entrance to the racecourse, this car was advertising a raffle for a car.

These boys were loving the attention. Their job was to attract attention to a raffle for Bothar. I decided to buy a ticket when my initial fears were allayed. I thought the two billygoats were the prize!

This young musician was trying to make a bob or two to spend on the amusements.

Throw me down something. The level of water in the Feale was low this year so standing below the bridge did not seem too much of a hardship.

These punters are heading towards the track along the path by the river.

This year there was a big drive to stamp out underage drinking.

 Gardaí on duty at the entrance.

I like to take up a position beside the parade ring. It’s where all of the action is before and immediately after each race. This year the horses walked on lovely dry cow matting so comfort for horse and groom is greatly improved.

Neighbours on my position at ringside told me that this is Joseph O’Brien “receiving instructions” before the race. He is in the colours of J.P. MacManus.

Aidan O’Brien and J.P. MacManus

This is Tony OHehir, a print sports journalist and son of the famous broadcaster, Micheál O’Hehir

If your horse wins, you get this lovely trophy and you get to stand on the podium and have Pat Healy take your photograph. I have decided if I win the Lotto I’m going to buy a racehorse and live this dream.

 This is the scrum of journalists around Katie Walsh after she won the Kerry National on Wednesday.

This is the horse she rode to victory. Your Business is being led back to the stables for his reward.


Some people I met at the races on Ladies Day

The following photos are all of North Kerry people enjoying themselves on the island on Friday.

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