This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: William St.

Harvest Festival Races 2014 and countdown to an All Ireland Final

Harvest Festival 2014

Some photos from Wednesday September 17 2014, on the Island

 A record crowd of over 27,000 attended. The weather was balmy. Temperatures reached 23degrees as Listowel basked in its 15th. day without rain, heading for the driest September on record. The familiar breeze which whips up from the river is absent this year so conditions for the punters are ideal.

Gone are the days when a row of parked helicopters graced the area behind the carpark….only 2 on Wednesday.

These ladies were fundraising for a Ballybunion Preschool Facility.

 Eleanor and family were picking winners.

 Miriam Kiely, home for the Races, was enjoying the sunshine with her friends,e Mary Sobieralski and Joan Kennelly.

These proud grandparents were introduction their twins to their second visit to Listowel Races. Here they are taking a nap before getting down to business.

The Fitzgerald brothers studying form.


Fergus O’Connor and his wife took the day off to return to Fergus’ roots.

Dan and Maureen Hartnett enjoying the sunshine and the racing.

The Nolans came to the races to meet up with friends and enjoy the conviviality of the occasion.


Lower William St. en fete
Stab 3 cards, win a prize
Hook a Duck
Kiddy Ride
Big Wheel
Baby roller coaster
Mini Big Wheel
Another stomach churning ride


Music Bridges The Generation Gap

This lovely photograph is from Kerry Comhaltas webpage. It was taken in Listowel at an open day in The Seanchaí in September 2014.


Garda station has got a face lift


Photos from Ladies’ Day 2014 next week

Meanwhile there is the little matter of an All Ireland Final….

Changes and departures

Time and Tide Wait for No Man



 While looking for the above photo of William St.,  I came upon this one. The late Eleanor Scanlon had met up with her former teaching colleagues at Scoil Realta na Maidine, Madeleine O’Sullivan and Theresa Molyneaux during Writers’ Week 2009.


Sign in Market St.


Today is August 26 2014 and the day when my beloved twin grandsons leave Ireland for a year in France. They have promised to blog their sojourn. I’ll keep you posted.

On their last trip to Kerry we paid a final visit for 2014 to Blueberry Home Bakery and Café in Athea because that is where the best milk shakes and chocolate biscuit cake is to be found.

saying au revoir to one of the goats
Bye bye donkeys
The ducks ignored us as usual
the hens were only interested in food.
A face only a mother could love
Pig smiling outside his pigsty.


Waterford 1905

Drohan’s Forge

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