Time and Tide Wait for No Man



 While looking for the above photo of William St.,  I came upon this one. The late Eleanor Scanlon had met up with her former teaching colleagues at Scoil Realta na Maidine, Madeleine O’Sullivan and Theresa Molyneaux during Writers’ Week 2009.


Sign in Market St.


Today is August 26 2014 and the day when my beloved twin grandsons leave Ireland for a year in France. They have promised to blog their sojourn. I’ll keep you posted.

On their last trip to Kerry we paid a final visit for 2014 to Blueberry Home Bakery and Café in Athea because that is where the best milk shakes and chocolate biscuit cake is to be found.

saying au revoir to one of the goats
Bye bye donkeys
The ducks ignored us as usual
the hens were only interested in food.
A face only a mother could love
Pig smiling outside his pigsty.


Waterford 1905

Drohan’s Forge