This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

A Tragedy in The Estuary, A Street Sign and Warring Celebrities

Photo by Éamon ÓMurchú in Mount Usher Gardens


Listowel Pitch and Putt Course

This course is always beautifully maintained. It’s a much appreciated local treasure.


Where the streets have two names

Is Listowel the only town in Ireland where the streets have two names?

The Irish name translates as Upper Ashe Street.

The name in English translates as Sráid an tSéipéil Uachtarach.


More Memories from Tom Linnane of Littor

from Shannonside Annual 1956

More tomorrow


A Fact

(From my Book of the Year 2019/ The world’s weirdest news)

Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page, has a long running dispute with his next door neighbour over, among other things, the allegation that he plays his music too loud.

Who is this neighbour?

Robbie Williams.

What music is he playing too loudly?

Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Pink Floyd according to a letter sent by Page to his local council.

Williams’ representative denied everything.



Strange tales from Knockanure and Ballybunion


Littor Memories


  1. Jim Ryan

    Is Listowel the only town in Ireland where the streets have two names?

    The Irish name translates as Upper Ashe Street.

    The name in English translates as Sráid an tSéipéil Uachtarach.

    There are a few Mary –

    William Street

    Charles Street

    Also in Dublin

    • listowelconnection

      That’s very interesting Jim. However Listowel’s case is different in that the Irish version of the street name is not a translation or even mistranslation of the English. It is a whole different street name. This came about because of a failed initiative to rename the streets after the leaders of the Rising on the 50th anniversary of 1916. It was eventually decided to leave the English names as they were, as much for commercial reasons as any other and to rename the streets in Irish only.
      Bryan MacMahon referred to Church Street as Ashe Street and some people living in Upper William Street refer to it as Patrick Street.
      Interestingly in Cork city The Grand Parade is rendered in Irish as Sráid an Chapaill Bhuí

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